- secondary stratigraphic trap 次级地层圈闭
- The analysis of reservoir forming conditions shows that, many types of stratigraphic trap. 成藏条件分析表明,处于盆地边缘的王庄地区发育多种地层圈闭和两种输导体系。
- Anticlinal, faulted and stratigraphic traps are commonly found in the basin. 盆地内的圈闭类型有背斜、断鼻、断块和地层圈闭等,可能发育多套储盖组合。
- There are many different characters on the sand bodies, and the shore-neritic sand bodies are the very important reservoir for the stratigraphic traps. 滨岸砂、浅海砂坝和陆棚砂体区域上尖灭与陆棚泥岩组合,可形成较好的岩性地层圈闭。
- Stratigraphy traps can be classified into stratigraphic onlap trap and stratigraphic erosion unconformity trap. 地层圈闭可分为地层超覆不整合圈闭和地层削蚀不整合圈闭。
- On the gentle slopes, stratigraphic traps were mainly developed in the lake-floor-fan in LST, or formed by gravity flow deposited in pre-delta of TST and HST. 在盆地的缓坡部位,主要发育河流-三角洲复合体靠近深湖区的边缘地带的低位域湖底扇地层圈闭、水进域和高位域发育于前三角洲的重力流形成的地层圈闭。
- To store large quantity of petroleum hydrocarbons, the permeable beds must be deformed either by folding or faulting to form structural traps or stratigraphic traps must be produced by conditions of sedimentation. 要想储存大量的石油碳氢化合物,透水岩层必须遭受褶皱和断层变形,以形成构造圈闭。或者产生由沉积条件控制的地层圈闭。
- The Jurassic reservoir is lower-generation and upper-Storage structure and/or lithologic reservoir developed over the lateral migration of unconformity surfaces and the overlapped stratigraphic traps. 侏罗系成藏模式为不整合面侧向运移、超覆地层圈闭背景下发育的下生上储的构造+岩性油藏。
- Faults, unconformities, and high-permeability strata form the conduction system through which oil and gas can migrate.Structural traps, stratigraphic traps, and lithologic traps are developed. 断层、不整合面和高渗透层构成凹陷内油气运移的输导体系,并发育构造、地层、岩性等多种类型圈闭。
- Except for the structure traps, the stratigraphic traps of Jurassic-Cretaceous Formations at the graben flanks and the basement weathered crust of Paleozoic are the future exploration directions. 该盆地虽然经历了20多年的勘探历程,大规模的优质储量大部分已被发现,但仍具勘探潜力,除构造圈闭外,斜坡部位的地层岩性圈闭和基底裂缝型风化壳都是未来的勘探方向。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- The thieves were caught in a police trap. 窃贼遭警方用计擒获。
- The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. 捕兽夹子紧紧夹住兔子的皮肉。
- Her age is of secondary interest. 她的年龄不太重要。
- The police set a trap to catch the thief. 警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。
- The farmer went ahead in his trap. 农夫驾着双轮轻便马车继续赶路。
- I knew perfectly well it was a trap. 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。
- The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals. 陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的。
- To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. 令我极为满意的是,他中了圈套。
- In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. 在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知识。