- One of the second order of angels. 二级天使天使中的第二级
- Keywords language development;irony;allusional pretense theory;second order theory of mind.; 儿童言语发展;反语理解;暗示假装理论;二阶心理理论;
- And the second order effects should also be mild. 第二波的影响亦应该比较温和。
- These second order questions of normative legal theory are a subclass of the more general class of second order questions of moral and ethical theory. 这些规范法理论的二阶问题是更为一般的的道德与伦理理论的二阶问题的的子类。
- Second order item is omitted in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based on optimal theory. 基于优化理论的Levenberg-Marquardt算法忽略了二阶项。
- Based on the theory of rigid body dynamics this interreaction is simplified as a second order system and a set of equations relating... 这对后座冲击模拟实验装置的设计、调试和实验分析有指导意义。
- Numerical solution of second order differential equations. 二阶微分方程的数值解。
- Kim B. Bruce gave a system of axioms lor second order logic L(Q). Bruce于1978年提出二阶逻辑L(Q)的概念和公理系统。
- Kim B.Bruce gave a system of axioms for second order logic L(Q). Kim B.;Bruce于1978年提出了三价逻辑L(Q)的逻辑公理系统。
- The general solution of a kind second order equation is given. 摘要给出一类二阶变系数线性微分方程的通解。
- It is: (1)designed according to attenuate vib-ration system of second order. 其特点是按具有衰减振荡的二阶系统进行设计;
- By combining these pictographs, a second order of ideas is expressed. 把这些象形字缀合在一起表示了另一层次的观念。
- This paper studies the relation between the pecking order theory and industry dynamic. 中文摘要本论文主要是在探讨融资顺位与产业动态的关系。
- UV decomposition theory is an efficient method dealing with the second order expansion of nonsmooth functions. It is obtained via the U Lagrangian that a function f has second order expansions along smooth trajectories. UV 分解理论是处理非光滑函数的二阶展开的有效方法 ;它借助于U 拉格朗日函数 ;得到函数在一个光滑轨道上的二阶展开式 .
- The reality of preference for SEO of China’s listed firms disobeys the western financing order theory. 摘要大量理论和实证研究表明:影响企业融资行为的因素有很多,包括融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等等。
- Existence of positive solutions of BVP for second order IDE with fixed moments. 二阶脉冲微分方程边值问题。
- Title: Boundary value problem for a class of second order nonlinear O.D.E. 关键词:非线性常微分方程;边值问题;解;存在性
- An Analytical Study on Cherenkov Cascading Second Order Nonlinearity[J]. 引用该论文 钟开生;胡鸿璋;张海斌;梁麦林.
- Those results can be explained by Automaticity Theory,Threshold Hypothesis Theory,and Relevance Theory and Natural Order Theory. 作者用信息处理自动性理论、词汇临界值假说、关联理论和自然顺序假设理论解释了这些现象。
- The third chapter conducts the research of refinancing method, and analyzes all the causes that the conclusion violates Pecking Order theory. 第三章对再融资方式进行了研究,并全面分析了我国股权再融资偏好与“啄食理论”相背离的原因。