- Application of the Second Wire Cut Method in WEDM for Die and Mould Machining 二次切割法在模具加工中的应用
- second wire cut method 二次切割
- Actual Example Analysis about Wire Cutting Method of Motorcycle Start Electrical Machinery Rotor Silicon Steel Board Raised Hollow Mould 摩托车启动电机转子硅钢片凸凹模芯线切割加工分析
- Introduced the characteristics of two kinds of wire cut clamps. explained the importance of clamp in WEDM. 介绍了两种线切割夹具的特点。说明了在线切割加工中,夹具的重要性。
- Design &progressive hardware die;profile grinder;process for die set &mould plate;wire cut E.D.M;surface grinding. 五金连续模具设计加工; 光学投影研磨; 模座.;模板加工;线切割;成型研磨
- Over this insulating material is a woven copper braid or metallic foil that acts as the second wire in the circuit and as a shield for the inner conductor. 绝缘材料上覆有编织的铜线或金属箔,作为电路中的第二条导线,也作为内部导体的遮蔽。
- The stainless steel fibrous porous materials are processed by Wire cut Electrical Discharge Machining(WEDM). 采用线切割方法对金属纤维多孔材料进行高精度加工。
- The algorithm has been used in CAD/CAM system of wire cut EDM for automatic selecting of electrical parameters. 该方法已用于线切割CAD/CAM系统,实现了放电参数的自动选择。
- This paper gives a short cut method to derive from molecular speed distribution function in the molecular ray. 给出了导得分子射线中分子速率分布函数的一种简捷方法 .
- Flat sawing is the most commonly used diamond cutting method. 单位锯切割钻石是最常用的方法。
- CNC Mill, Wire Cut, CNC Turning, Grinder, Polisher, Miller Feedback process quality problem to the supervisor for necessary corrective action. 向主管汇报工艺质量问题和相应的改进措施。
- Our in-house is fully equipped with a full range of wire cut,EDM,Maching center,lathe and Milling machines to support our tool making and maintenance. 我公司拥有慢走丝线切割、EDM、加工中心、精密磨床等一整套先进的模具制造设备,能够在公司内部完成整套精密模具(大型模具可达到4米;精密模具可做手机、硬盘驱动器等精细产品)的设计及制造。
- Although those materials can be machined using the ECDM method, but mostly used for machining hole and wire cutting, there is few application in the polishing aspect. 虽然电化学放电加工法可加工上述材料,但大多是用来做穿孔加工以及线切割,在抛光方面的应用却很少。
- Adopting Tera Pak Techniques,heat-seal cold cut methods. 采用利乐技术,热封冷切机构。
- An appropriate method of making a gradient wire cutting is given through an applied example and gradient calculation formula is predigested in contrast with the old ones. 通过一则产品应用实例介绍了如何摆一定的斜度线切割一次成形加工凹、凸模,以及斜度的具体计算方法。并与原有的公式做了计算比较,简化了计算公式;
- Through the experiments with quickly wire cut of electric discharge machines, this paper analyzes and studied the influence regulation of the discharging current to the surf... 通过在快走丝线切割加工机床上进行多次加工实验,本文研究分析了放电电流对线切割加工表面粗糙度的影响规律。
- Main equipments are precision cylindrical grinding machine,tool sharpners , precision optical profile grinder,CNC machine center,lathe ,wire cut machine,profile projector etc. 主要设备有精密外圆磨床,万能工具磨床,精密光学曲线磨床,数控磨床,开槽机,线切割,投影仪等设备。
- Since virtually no concrete structure or cross-section is too large to cut, wire saws are used where other cutting methods are impractical. 由于几乎没有或混凝土结构断面减少过大,钢丝锯切割用其他方法是不切实际的。
- It is fit for enveloping cutting method of numerically controlled cutting of groove of the roller for rolling balls. 这种方法适用于数控切削斜轧球轧辊孔型的包络切削方式。