- Without me you're just a second lieutenant. 要没有我,你就不过是个区区的少尉。
- Oliver North received his commission as Second Lieutenant in 1968. 奥利弗·诺斯在1968年被授衔为少尉。
- At 16, Napoleon received a commission as a second lieutenant of artillery. 16岁的拿破仑得到了炮兵少尉的任命状。
- One who holds the rank of lieutenant, first lieutenant, or second lieutenant. 尉级军官有上尉,中尉或少尉军衔的人
- Reserve junior officers: reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant. (三)预备役尉官:预备役上尉、中尉、少尉。
- When the general found there were no additional seats on the plane, he bumped a second lieutenant. 上将发现飞机上没有额外的座位时,他挤掉了一名少尉的座位。
- At last,he was able to "pass out," and found himself a second lieutenant in the King's Royal Rifle Corps. 他终于可以“毕业”了,成了皇家志愿步枪队的少尉。
- In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. 1895年,以少尉军衔编入皇家第四骑兵团。
- At 20, he was graduated from the War Academy at Danzig and commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry. 在20岁的时候,隆美尔毕业于但格斯克军事学院,并在步兵中授予了少尉的官职。
- The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant. 预备役军官军衔降级不适用于预备役少尉军官。
- It Is possible, mon ami. I believe that Second Lieutenant Williams, Flight Lieutenant Logan and Private BerattI are still, how do you say, open to offers. 这是可能的,我的朋友。我相信二等少尉威廉、飞行少尉罗根以及贝拉地大兵仍然会帮助你的。
- Junior specialized technical officers: specialized technical reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant. 初级专业技术职务:预备役专业技术中校、少校、上尉、中尉、少尉。
- After studying government at the College of William and Mary on an ROTC scholarship, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. 鲍威尔取得预备军官训练团的奖学金,进入威廉与玛丽学院主修政治学,之后取得少尉军阶。
- "On one occasion he was promulgating the proceedings of a court martial in which a second lieutenant had been found guilty of improper conduct with a WAAC. 有一次,他公布军事法庭的审讯过程,庭上一名少尉被判和一个女陆军辅助部队成员有不正当行为。
- A second lieutenant. 少尉
- The ranks of reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant shall be conferred with the approval of the heads of units at the divisional level that have the power to appoint and remove officers. 第二十四条转服军官预备役的军官和文职干部,其预备役军官军衔,按照其原现役军官军衔等级或者文职干部级别确定。
- A Defense Ministry announcement says the prince, a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royals Regiment, will begin service in Iraq in the next few months as part of a British troop rotation. 英国国防部一项声明说,身为“蓝军骑兵团”少尉的哈里王子,将在几个月后随英军部队换防到伊拉克服役。
- After graduating from Carleton, Pye returned to China at the end of World War II to serve as an intelligence officer in the 5th Marine Corps, achieving the rank of Second Lieutenant. 另一方面,由于家庭纽带的强大与切身,使国家成为遥远的存在。
- Napoleon himself is the one to start a foreigner, one can hope that one day so that Corsican independence from France. 16-year-old when he was awarded the title of second lieutenant of artillery. 1805年8月,奥地利、英国、俄国组成了第三次反法同盟,拿破仑于是在9月24日离开巴黎,亲自挥军东进,到10月12日法军已经占领了慕尼黑。
- After Ivory Eva's death, investigation crew drawn in, and her left so-called rebellion program restarted upon second lieutenant staff judge Mr.Chang was intervened by Madam Chiang Soong Mei-Ling. 在依娃中尉死亡后,警察调查人员介入,另外依娃中尉死亡留下的非正规程式启动在张少尉身上,先前有与悍马车一同进来的正规程式,是利用销售手法的可爱小狗带回家试玩方式推销的,最后并没有加码采买。