- The swimmer was timed at 50.50 sec. 这名游泳者的成绩被测定为五十点五零秒。
- sec gene 分泌基因
- The divergence time is now greater than 30 sec. 发散时间超过30秒。
- His time of 3 min 2 sec remains unbeaten. 他那3分2秒的记录仍未打破.
- It is from, hang on a sec, oh yeh, Japan. 那是来自,等一会儿,对了,日本。
- It's the hang on a sec,yes,the 10th of May. 那是,等一会儿,对了,5月10日。
- Stay there. I'll be back in a sec. 呆着别走。我马上回来。
- It's from, hang on a sec, oh yeh, Japan. 那是来自,等一会儿,对了,日本。
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Reduce all damage taken by 60% for 8 sec. 在8秒内受到的所有攻击伤害减少60%25。
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- Do you mind if I sit here for a sec. 介意我在这儿坐一会吗?
- Just wait here for me for a sec. 等我一会儿。
- Huh, thought I lost my shadow for a sec. 啊哈,我还以为自己的影子丢了呢。
- Um, um, Rachel can we talk for a sec? 呃,瑞秋,我们能谈谈吗?
- Is it OK to talk to you for a sec? 可以跟你谈一会儿吗?
- B: Just a sec, I can't decide which scarf to wear. 等一下,我还没决定要戴哪条领带。
- Can I just stop you there for a sec? 我可以先打断你一下吗?
- Now the variant of each gene is called an allele. 每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。
- Voidwalker:Restores 3% of total health every 4 sec. 虚空行者:每4秒回复3%25生命值。