- seasonal pathogenic factors 时邪
- Object i ve: Warm-heat evil is the important pathogenic factor of seasonal fabrile disease,and heat-evil stasis,ascent-descent disorder of visceral qi is basic pathogenesis. 目的:温热毒邪是温热性温病发病的重要因素,阳热火毒内郁,气机升降失常为其基本病机。
- Pathogenic factors are the predominant factor of disease. 邪气是疾病发生的重要条件。
- Sung stressed that the medical odds and is pathogenic factors [2]. 祖国医学强调七情不和,是致病的因素[2]。
- The occurrence of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors and vital qi. 疾病的发生和邪气及正气都相关。
- Objective To study the pathogenic factors of vertical root fractures (VRFs). 目的分析牙根纵裂的致病因素。
- seasonal exogenous pathogenic factors 时令外邪
- They are not pathogenic factors; they are five comprehensive changes of pathogenesis. 它们不是病理因素,而是五种综合的病理改变。
- Expelling pathogenic factors cannot only remove the pathogenic factors but also make qi flow in harmonious way. “透邪”,达邪也,不仅能透邪外出,而且能畅达邪郁之气机。
- Objective To study the pathogenic factors and epidemiologic features of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer in children. 目的探讨儿童慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡的致病因素及流行病学特点。
- The infection of human follicle mite is one of pathogenic factors to some dermatosises. 蠕形螨感染是痤疮、酒渣鼻等皮肤疾病的致病因素之一。
- Injured emotion,dietetic irrationality and pathogenic factors were also important factors resulting to urticaria. 另外,情志所伤、饮食不当和病理产物性病因亦是荨麻疹发病的重要原因。
- Those not causing disease are not pathogenic factors,hut they are eausa morbi if causing disease. 未导致疾痛的致病因素不是病因,已经引起疾病的致病因素是病因。
- Objective To explore the pathogenic factors, clinical grade and treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the elderly. 摘要目的分析老年心房颤动患者的病因和治疗等相关情况。
- But the understanding of pathogenic factors and anti-pathogenic factors should be furthered. 病位的确定是辨证中的根本问题,但只能是宏观与微观并存。
- The etiology of the disease is the invasion of damp heat and deficiency of anti pathogenic factors. 肝纤维化的病因主要是湿热疫毒入侵,并与正气不足有关。
- Objective:To investigate the pathogenic factors of colon melanosis and its outcome. 目的:探讨结肠黑变病的致病因素及转归。
- Damp is one of the six pathogenic factors and also is the commonly - seen factor of gynecopathy and leads to sterility. 湿邪是六淫邪气之一,亦是妇科疾病的常见致病因素,并可导致不孕。
- The therapy for invigoration should be applied first and associated with elimination of pathogenic factors. 补之宜缓,防止虚不受补;
- Objective: To know the pathogenic factors of encephalorrhagia and the preleentilee measures. 目的:了解导致脑出血病的发病因素及预防措施。