- seasonal freezing soil area 季节冻土区
- Discussion on the preventive treatments of the frost heaving of lining canals in seasonal frozen soil areas 季节性冻土地区衬砌渠道冻胀及防治措施
- The preventive treatments of the frost heaving of lining canals in seasonal frozen soil areas 季节性冻土地区衬砌渠道的防冻措施
- The strength of frozen soil will decrease obviously if it is thawed, especially when ice lens is abundant in it, which is the main cause of the mud pumping in subgrade as well as the instability of foundation in seasonal frozen ground regions. 摘要冻土,特别是含冰透镜体的冻土解冻时,出现强度大幅度下降的弱化现象,这是季节冻土区内路基春季翻浆冒泥、地基失稳的重要原因。
- The Freezing and Fusion Rule of Seasonal Frozen Soil and Its Hydrological Function of Forest Area in Qilian Mountains 祁连山林区季节性冻土冻融规律及其水文功能研究
- permafrost and seasonal frozen soil 多年和季节冻土
- Frost damage is main cause for earth-retaining wall failure in seasonally frozen soil region. 冻害是季节冻土区挡土墙破坏的主要原因。
- Prevention method and freezing damage of hydraulic structures at season freezing soil irrigation areas 季节冻土区灌区水工建筑物冻害破坏原因及防治措施
- The lengthwise cracks caused by frost heave,and settlem ent, bulge, rut caused by spring thaw are the main forms of frost damage of roa ds in seasonally frozen soil region. 冻胀形成的纵向裂缝和道路翻浆导致的沉陷鼓包及车辙变形是季节冻土区高速公路路基冻害的主要形式。
- They looked in particular at the creation of "taliks", which are patches of unfrozen ground sandwiched between layers of permanently frozen soil lower down and a seasonally frozen patch of soil above. 他们尤其考量了位于底层永久冻结土壤和上层季节性冻结土壤之间的居间不冻层的形成。
- Application test of EPS board used for road engineering in frozen soil area EPS板在多年冻土地区道路工程中的应用试验
- Forst Heaving and Thawing Settlement of Subgrade in Seasonal Frozen Soil Zone 季节性冻土地区路基的冻胀与融沉
- The polygonal cracking is believed to have resulted from seasonal freezing and thawing of surface ice. 这种多边状裂痕被认为是表面冰季节性的冻结和融解导致的。
- The Moisture Movement Mechanism and Counter Measure of Subgrade in Seasonal Frozen Soil Zone 季冻地区路基中的水分迁移机理及处理措施
- Influences of Seasonal Frozen Soil Layer on Current Division Factor of Substation Grounding System 季节性冻土对变电站接地系统分流系数的影响
- Analysis of frost heave in seasonal frozen soil region and permafrost soil region 季节冻土区与多年冻土区的冻胀浅析
- Research on Project of In-situ Test for Seasonal Frozen Soil Subgrade Treatment in Plateau 高原季节性冻土路基处治的现场试验方案研究
- Effects of N,P,K application and their optimum fertilization parameters for Sinocalamue oldhami in alluvion soil area. 冲积土区域绿竹氮磷钾施肥反应及其最优施肥参数的研究
- Calculation of frost heave in seasonal frozen soil under piled foundation restrain condition 桩基础约束条件下季节冻土场地冻胀量的二维数值求解