- seasonal changes of weather 季节性的天气变化
- Look for Look for a change of weather in March. 在三月的天气将可望有所改变。
- The slight change of weather can affect her health. 天气稍有变化就会影响她的身体。
- Look for a change of weather in March. 希望三月天气会变
- There was a sudden change of weather. 天气骤变。
- He keeps grumbling at the abrupt change of weather. 他不断抱怨天气的突变。
- It is more and more longer that the change of weather is got. 天变得越来越长了。
- Seasonal changes of photosynthesis rates and its effects on pri-mary production for Spartina . 米草光合作用速率季节变化及其对初级生产的影响
- The seasonal changes of density in the macrofauna is the lowest in summer and ... 从季节动态上看 ,夏季密度最低 ,秋季密度最高。
- The characteristics and seasonal changes of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) distribution of the Sichuan Basin from MODIS products are analyzed. 利用MODIS卫星遥感光学厚度产品,分析了四川盆地光学厚度分布和季节变化特征。
- The results showed that the seasonal changes of POD and IOD activities in the leaves of 4 dwarfing stocks were similar to that of Red Fuji apple. 结果表明,各砧木与中间砧红富士苹果叶片内POD、IOD酶活性的季节变化规律相似;
- They offer a series of impressions of the lives and loves of a closely knit community, in the landscape and seasonal changes of the Orkney Islands. 小说把背景置于四季风景如画的奥克内岛上,描述了一系列发生在一个关系紧密的社区内的生活、恋爱片段。
- The characteristics of spatio-temporal seasonal changes of SO2 and NO2 and TSP in Huanyin are analyzed by statistical methods. 应用统计方法分析了淮阴区空气质量SO2、NO2、TSP的浓度时空分布的季节变化特征。
- The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather. 气象学者画了一张天气图。
- This paper studied the seasonal changes of leaf anti-oxidative system in evergreen woody plants Sabina przewalskii and S.chinensis during their adaptation process of freezing. 测定分析圆柏属2种常绿木本植物叶抗氧化系统在冷冻适应过程中的季节变化。
- To investigate the seasonal changes of behaviors and internal sexual organs during sexual cycle among female rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta in Chongqing. 研究重庆地区雌性恒河猴性周期的行为、内生殖器随季节的变化。
- The peasant are looking for a change of weather in March. 农民指望着三月份的天气有所改变。
- The seasonal changes of total carbohydrate, soluble carbohydrate, starch, mannitol and fructan in the below ground organs of both species showed the same 'down-up-down-up' trend. 5月20日-10月15日,羊草和大针茅地下器官中的碳水化合物总量、可溶性碳水化合物含量、淀粉含量、甘露醇含量和果聚糖含量均表现出“降低-升高-再降低-再升高”的特征。
- The sudden change of weather may have some effect on his health. 天气突然变化对他的健康可能有影响。
- They decided to postpone the trip , owing to the change of weather. 由于天气变化,他们决定延期启程。(修饰动词)