- It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans. 这会引起污染,破坏我们的海洋和江河。
- They share the seas and oceans as well. 他们也生活在海洋中。
- What shall we do to protect the seas and oceans? 我们该做些什么来保护海洋?
- Over the sea and ocean, silence! 多少年不吭声在海外!
- seas and oceans database 海洋数据库
- The aquarium holds a comprehensive exhibition of the life in the seas and oceans of the world. 水族馆全面展出了世界上的海洋生物。
- Maximum Speed: This shows how quickly the ship can traverse the seas and oceans of the world. 最大速度:这是舰船在海上航行的速度。
- Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants and the cells of microscopic organisms that live on land and near the surface of seas and oceans. 植物的叶子能够进行光合作用,此外生活在陆地上和海洋表面的某些微生物的细胞也能进行光合作用。
- In the high seas and oceans 150 thousand tonnes of fish were caught, mainly redfish, mackerel, cod, red plaice, and black halibut. 在公海和外海上所渔获的15万吨鱼主要是红鱼、鲐鱼、鳕鱼、红鲽和黑星鲽。
- Wanted! Seas and Oceans-- Dead or Alive 海洋存亡;匹夫有责
- The boat began to ship a sea and threatened to sink. 小船灌进海水,有沉没的危险。
- On the Sea and Ocean Vertical Datum 关于海洋垂直基准的讨论
- The sea and the sky seemed to blend into each another. 大海和蓝天似乎连成了一片。
- Poseidon and Oceans Will See You at Ragnarok. 各位,偶要搬家了。
- be separated afar by vast ocean; be separated by seas and oceans 远隔重洋
- Fisheries and Oceans Research Advisory Council . 渔业海洋研究谘问委员会.
- We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray. 我们把汽车停在海边,结果车上全是水沫。
- The toxin appeared in samples of Baltic Sea and oceanic cyanobacteria blooms, suggesting the microbes could be releasing significant quantities of BMAA. 大量的毒素出现在属于半咸水的波罗的海,以及其他大洋的蓝绿菌藻华样本中,显示这种微生物能够释放大量的BMAA。
- We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance. 我们驶抵公海,海岸似乎退到了远方。
- About oceanography and ocean culture. 海洋文化方面的知识。