- 怨blame
- 自怨自艾repent one's errors
- 以德报怨repay injury with kindness
- 报怨avenge a grievance
- 我们遭此惨败怨谁呢?Who do we have to thank for this fiasco?
- 与其成怨偶,不如守单身。Better be half hanged than ill wed.
- 我对他无怨无仇。I have no rancor against him.
- 无怨blameless
- 怨怼resentment; enmity
- 他以怨报德。He recompensed good with evil.
- 怨愤discontent and indignation
- 她会利用这个作为发泄怨愤的藉口。She will use this as a peg to hang her grievance on.
- 怨怨相报。Hate begets hate.
- 争论又激起了旧怨。The argument woke old rivalries.
- 圣经要人们以德报怨。The Bible says to requite evil with good.
- 我化怨愤为顺从My resentment resolved itself into resignation.
- 老师劝我不要重提同学们的旧怨。The teacher advised me not to hash up old bitterness against her schoolmates.
- 胜利属于以德报怨的人。He that returns good for evil obtains the victory.
- 加重怨愤to aggravate a grievance
- 一些孩子报怨他们父母老是数落他们。Some children complain that their parents nag at them.