- We must put a new lock on the front door. 我们得在前门上安一把新锁。
- The cold has frozen the lock on the car door. 严寒已把汽车的门锁冻结起来。
- Does the back door have a lock on it? 后门有锁吗?
- Nagase Additional enemy targets on radar. 雷达上出现新的敌机。
- One who is in charge of a lock on a waterway. 闸门管理员管理河道上一个水闸的人
- Following the track of an airplane on radar. 用雷达跟踪飞机的航道
- The lock on the door is rusty and won't open. 门上的锁锈住了。
- New aircraft have come up on radar. 雷达显示新的飞机!是友军!
- Mr. Unwin fitted a new lock on the door. 安文先生在门上装了一把新锁。
- Nagase Stay alert! They have you on radar. 保持警惕!他们雷达已经苗上你了。
- He tried to fit a new lock on the door . 他试图给门安个新锁。
- SHACK ON THE TARGET - Missile lock on a aircraft. 目标闭入-敌飞机进入本机飞弹照准范围并被锁定.
- The distributor has a lock on most of the market. 销售商掌握着大部分市场。
- We have a lock on the suspect's movements. 我们已封死行了嫌犯的行动。
- The cold has frozenthe lock on the car door. 寒冷的天气把车门的锁冻结住了。
- Does the door have a lock on it? 门上有锁吗?
- In mmW radar system, SNR affect heavily on radar range. 在毫米波雷达系统中,信噪比对作用距离的影响很大。
- We fitted a new lock on the door. 我们给门安上了一个新锁。
- AWACS Thunderhead Warning. The enemy's tracking you on radar. 注意,敌人再用雷达跟踪你。
- He fitted a new lock on the door. 他给门装上新锁。