- That was a wound to the child's pride. 那是对孩子自尊心的伤害。
- Flush a toilet; flush a wound with iodine. 冲马桶; 以碘酒冲冼伤口
- There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters. 选民的态度有改变的趋向。
- A wind arose, and rain drops began falling all at once. 起风了,雨点忽然落下来。
- Search a website for files of a certain site. 以某个指定的文件类型来搜索某个网站上的文件。
- Make your job search a full-time occupation. 把找工作当作一份全职工作去做。
- To inflict wounds or a wound on. 伤害使在伤口上施加痛苦
- The bullet was extracted from a wound in his body. 这颗子弹是从一个伤员体内取出的。
- He had a wound on his leg and two more on his body. 他腿上有一处伤,身上有两处。
- I went home along a winding mountain path. 我沿着弯曲的山路回家。
- The margin of flesh around a wound. 伤口的边缘围绕伤口的肉边
- A watery, acrid discharge from a wound or ulcer. 脓液从伤口溃疡中流出的液体,毒液
- To protrude through a wound or surgical incision. 伤口或外科切口处突出
- The police must obtain a warrant from a judge in order to search a house. 警察必须从法官处取得搜查令才可搜查房子。
- To wash or wipe off(a wound, for example); cleanse. 洗净(伤口等);清洁
- The defeat was a wound to his pride. 这次失败伤了他的自尊心。
- To wash or wipe off(a wound,for example); cleanse. 洗净(伤口等);清洁
- Scar: Mark left on the skin after a wound heals. 瘢痕: 伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。
- The police must have a search warrant to search a house. 警察要搜查一座房屋必须有搜查证。
- A therapeutic or protective material applied to a wound. 敷料敷在伤口的治疗药物或保护材料