- seal script of Qin Dynasty 小篆
- A decree to standardize measures, written in small seal script, Qin Dynasty. 秦代用小篆颁布的统一度量衡器的诏书铜铸版。
- Bronze scale inscribed with small seal script, Qin Dynasty 铸有小篆文字的秦代铜权
- Mo-tse and his theory Mohism that founded on opposing the Confucianism in the forepart of Qin dynasty. 墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒墨两家相互辩难,分庭抗礼。
- After inherit the system of Qin dynasty, Han Dynasty continue to strengthen controlling and management minority in the border area , and levy the taxes and corvee on this basis. 汉承秦制对周边少数民族继续加强控制和管理,并在此基础上开征赋役。
- The landform evolution of Xianyang since the end of Qin Dynasty contains two aspects,the northward moving of the Weihe River bed and the changing of the edge slope of Xianyang tableland. 秦末以来,秦都咸阳地貌演变包括渭河河道北移和咸阳原边坡地貌变化两个方面。
- He was a mandarin of the Qin dynasty. 他是秦朝的官吏。
- Overthrew the rule of the Qin Dynasty. 推翻了秦朝的统治。
- Qin Shihuang was the ruler of the Qin Dynasty. 秦始皇是秦朝的统治者。
- The Charge System of Qin Dynasty 秦代的告诉制度
- On the Migrations of Qin Dynasty 论秦代移民
- The tombs of the King of Qin Dynasty 透视秦陵
- Chan Feng-Tzu specializes in Seal script calligraphy and seal engraving. 早年在杭州西泠印社学习刻印。
- Yunmeng bamboo slips of Qin dynasty 云梦秦简
- An effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play. 在剧本中仿效某种声音的效果。
- Shipbuilding Site of Qin Dynasty in Guangzhou 广州秦代造船遗址
- family composition of Qin dynasty 秦家庭结构
- The custom of decorate and beautify writing on Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty is characterized by three aspects, which are clan badge writing, bronze grain kind and the pattern turn constitute of the big seal script lead. 商周文字饰美之风,主要体现在族徽文字、青铜纹样和大篆“篆引”的图案化构成三个方面。
- He served as military adviser to the army of Qin. 他担任秦国的军师。
- Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script, calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well. 而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。