- seaboard geodesy 海岸测量
- My family lived in a seaboard city. 我家过去住在一个海滨城市。
- New York City is on the Atlantic seaboard. 纽约市位於大西洋岸边。
- The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate. 东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。
- Its potential applications in navigation and geodesy are discussed. 论文最后还讨论了这些技术在导航和工程探测中的应用前景。
- Geodesy and race set up two broad categories of engineering survey. 竞赛设置大地测量和工程测量两大项。
- It compiles and provides information relevant to physical geodesy. 它搜集和提供与物理地测学有关的信息。
- Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the Eastern Seaboard. 洪水淹没了东部沿海各州。
- Most are in the affluent areas along China's seaboard. 大部分成员都处在中国沿海的发达城市。
- Our itinerary plan is to go up the eastern seaboard. 我的旅行计划是到达东部海岸。
- Oh, my gosh, like, the best sausage and pepper hero on the eastern seaboard. 哦 真糟糕 那里有东海岸。最棒的胡椒香肠无敌三明治。
- The work of this paper may offer some reference and gist for research on astrometry and geodesy. 本文的工作可为天文大地测量的研究提供一定的参考和依据。
- The drone's controllers, thousands of miles away in a bunker on the eastern seaboard of America, knew who they were. 位于数千里之外的美国东海岸的一个掩体中的无人驾驶侦察机的控制员却知道这些人是谁。
- The Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is one of the most powerful techniques for astronomy and geodesy. 甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)是天文学和测地学研究中的重要观测技术之一。
- EC - 1941 - The greater change, as we will find in America, will be in the North Atlantic seaboard. 凯西-1941年-更大的变化,如同我们将会在美国发现的那样,将是在北大西洋海岸。
- The strict causality exists in the different scales of gradient watershed segmentation under the multi-scale geodesy reconstructing filtering. 在多尺度测地重建滤波下,不同尺度的梯度流域分割线存在严格的因果关系。
- With advance of metrical precision for space geodesy techniques (such as VLBI, LLR, SLR and GPS), more and more request to the TRS is put forward. 随着空间大地测量技术(VLBI、LLR、SLR和GPS等)的发展,对地球参考系也提出了越来越高的要求。
- By the end of the seventeenth century, hardy English settlers had established permanent colonies along the Atlantic seaboard. 十七世纪结束之前,刻苦耐劳的英国殖民者在美国的大西洋岸建立了永久殖民地。
- Applications of airborne gravimetry in geodesy and geophysical exploration are illustrated with real examples. 对航空重力测量在大地测量和地球物理勘探中的应用作了归纳和概括,并举例说明了其应用效果。
- In seaboard cities, the waterfront was the most important and colorful part of town. 在沿海城市,码头区是城市中最重要、最有活力的地区。