- Of individual appreciation level rise. 个人欣赏水平的提高。
- Tarawa claims,along with the neighboring nation of Tuvalu,that it faces extinction should global warming lead to any sea level rise. 塔拉瓦声称,如果全球变暖导致海平面上升,本岛连同其邻国图瓦卢将遭灭顶之灾。
- Someone says that Tuvalu is going to sink someday in the future. I am scared of the sea level rise. 有人说吐瓦鲁将要沉没,我好害怕海水继续上升。
- "If Greenland melts, we are looking at a 7-meter sea level rise around the world. 如果格陵兰群岛冰雪融化,我们就会眼看着世界各地的海面升高7米。
- But Kiribati is still doomed: “Half a metre of sea level rise is a heck of a lot for islands like that,” says Parry. “半米的海平面危险,就使得很多那样的岛屿完了。”派瑞说。
- Some small Pacific island nations are in danger of being swallowed up as sea level rise. 有几座太平洋小岛国家会因为海平面上升,而有遭淹没之虞。
- If the sea level rises, Holland may be the first country at risk. 如果海平面上升,荷兰会成为第一个处于危险中的国家。
- The finding suggests that Antarctica's snowfall is not slowing the sea level rise caused by global warming, as most climate models predict. 这个发现暗示出,南极洲的降雪并不能像大部分气象模式所推测的那样减缓由全球变暖引起的海平面的升高问题。
- To consider the tectonic subsidence, there are still having 105 m to account for the eustatic sea level rise without the decompaction calculation. 由此层序的厚度估算,此时期海水面下降的幅度至少超过105公尺。
- A temperature increase of several degrees Celsius could result in a sea level rise ranging from about 10 cm to about 1 m . 温度升高几度会造成海平面升高 10 厘米到 1 米不等。
- The river level rose after the rain. 雨后河里的水面升高了。
- When water levels rise, flooding results. 水位上升,就会发生洪水。
- "If sea levels rise, it means some parts of land will submerge under water. 一旦海平面升高,意味着一部分陆地将淹没在水下。”
- If we don't halt the green house effect, the iceberg will wholly melt down, leading to sea level rise and the coastal cities in U.S.(Cuba,Australia )will be covered with seawater. 如果温室效应不断加剧,冰川会全部融化,海平面也将上升。美国(古巴、澳洲)的沿海城市将被海水淹没!
- As a climatologist, questioning how temperature change will influence the ice melting and further sea level rise that will ultimately lead to an increase in both. 作为一个气候学家,探究温度变化将如何影响冰雪融化和海平面进一步上升,因为温度变化将最终导致二者的增加。
- If it does worsen and other northern Greenland glaciers melt faster, then it could speed up sea level rise, already increasing because of melt in sourthern Greenland. 如果情况变糟和其他北格陵兰的冰川加速融化的话,这样将会加速海平面上升,因为南格陵兰的冰川融合已经使之加速了。
- The CCSR web site features information on its researchers and staff, specific research topics (e.g., green roofs, hurricanes, and sea level rise), and other climate resources. 中心的主要的研究领域包括4个方面:气候影响,古气候,区域气候,以及全球气候模拟。
- The water level rises rapidly during monsoon season. 雨季水平面上升很快。
- "Significant melting has a significant impact on sea level rise," said Jianli Chen, a research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin who led the study. 美国奥斯汀洲的德客萨思大学的科学家陈建立领导了此次研究,他说“高速的大面积冰融,对海平面的上升有着巨大的影响。”
- Penland S, Ramsey K E. Relative sea level rise and subsidence in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico[A]. Coastal Geol. Tech. Rep. 3[C]. Louisiana Geol. Surv. Baton Rouge. 65. 罗宪林.;海南岛南渡江波浪型三角洲的形成演化与河口过程[R]