- Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。
- sculptures of Yuan Dynasty 元代雕塑
- "Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty. 摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的高利贷。
- It certainly deserves to be a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty stone carving. 真不愧是元朝石雕艺术的佳作。
- The whole building is unique in sculpt and delicacy in carving skill having strong feeling of Yuan Dynasty. 整座建筑造型别致,雕工精巧,具有浓郁的元代风格。
- The religious touch of embroidery was strengthened by the rulers of Yuan Dynasty who believed in Lamaism. 刺绣宗教的接触是加强对元代统治者在喇嘛教相信谁。
- The geneses emperor of Yuan Dynasty, he is also the fifth generation Mongolia big sweat. 元朝的创始皇帝,他也是第五代的蒙古大汗。
- We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods. 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。
- sculptures of Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties 辽-金-元雕塑家
- Wanhufu of Li Army was a headquarter established to control the Li nationality in Hainan by the government of Yuan Dynasty. "黎兵万户府"是元朝政府为了统领海南地区的黎兵而专门设立的一个机构。
- The salespersons should wear the Mongolian featured clothes or the royal garments of Yuan Dynasty and stand at the shop gate to welcome the guests. 店员应着蒙古特色服装或元朝宫廷服装,站在店门前吸引并招揽客人。
- Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast. 宋末元初江西词人群体是一个非常著名的词人群体。
- Aggressing Jin dynasty, defeating Western Liao and Western Xia were cornerstones for the unity of Yuan dynasty though somewhat destructive. 西征中亚、西亚和欧洲,虽带有对外征服和扩张性质,给各国人民曾带来灾难和破坏。
- The Zhongdu (the Middle Capital) of Yuan Dynasty, located in Zhangbei County, was first built in 1307 and later abandoned and destroyed later. 元中都在河北省张北县境内。始建于元大德十一年(1307年),后被废被毁。
- As a result of Yuan Dynasty's Mongolian policy, the power of Khan was reduced and feudalistic warlordism came into being. 明初对蒙政策的实施结果,使北元国势衰微,可汗势力大大减弱,于是握有实力的权臣贵族们乘机雄据一方,形成了封建割据局面。
- They should be characterized as the lifestyles of the Inner Mongolian nationality, even the featured artworks of the ancient capital city of Yuan Dynasty of China. 突出内蒙古民族特色,甚至是元朝古都工艺品的特色产品。
- Quack doctors are not described so often in the drama of Yuan Dynasty, and they are not treated as the main characters in the works, hut they are featured with uniqueness. 摘要庸医在元代戏曲作品中出现不多,也不是作品的主要人物,但却很有特色。
- In the Jade Buddha Temple are two jade sculptures of the Buddha. 玉佛寺里有两尊玉佛。
- The ruling class of Yuan Dynasty enthroned Islam and promoted Muslim, while the Ming Dynasty held it down, therefore Islam enjoyed a higher position in Yuan than in Ming. 元统治者推崇伊斯兰教,重用穆斯林,明王朝对其压制、排斥,故元代穆斯林地位高于明代。
- The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus. 那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。