- This windblown scrub pine is over 300 years old. 被风吹斜了的松树已经有三十岁了。
- Windblown scrub pines. 被盛行风吹斜的威忌州松
- The pine trees defy severe cold. 松树不畏严寒。
- The spilt ink won't scrub out easily. 泼出的墨水不容易擦洗掉。
- It's a noted place for its pine tree and springs. 这是一个以松树和泉水著称的地方。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- The country is covered in scrub. 这一地区为矮灌木丛覆盖。
- Pine trees were planted all along the river. 沿河两岸种着松树。
- We found the animal on a scrub hill. 我们在一个灌木丛生的丘陵上找到这动物。
- Give that floor a good hard scrub. 使劲擦洗一下那地板。
- Scrub that mud off your fingers before you sit down to lunch. 你要先把手指上的污泥洗掉才能上桌吃午饭。
- They forested the mountains with pine trees. 他们在山上种植松树。
- Pine trees predominate the woods here. 这儿的树林中最多的是松树。
- Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood. 松木是软木,柚木是硬木。
- The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens. 松树、 雪松、 云杉都是常绿的树。
- Spruce and pine are evergreen trees. 云杉和松树都是常绿树木。
- The carpenter knocked up some kitchen units for us out of old pine. 木匠用老杉木为我们匆匆做了几件厨房用具。
- Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways. 地板永远要朝适当的方向去擦,也就是要顺着的方向去擦。
- A raven perched high in the pine. 渡鸦高高地栖息在树上
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。