- A representation of a ribbon or scroll bearing an inscription. 铭文丝带,铭文卷轴
- She wears a ribbon belt round her waist. 她在腰部束了一条缎带。
- Her hair was tied back with a black ribbon. 她的头发用黑缎带扎在后面。
- I had to change the typewriter ribbon. 我不得不换掉打字机的色带。
- She tacked on a ribbon to the hat. 她在帽上加了一条缎带。
- A continuous inked ribbon used on output units. 在输出设备(如打印机)上使用的一种连续上油墨的色带。
- I must get some more typewriter ribbon. 我得再买些打字机色带来。
- He wore his collar and orders, and his blue ribbon as well. 他身上挂满了领章、各种宝星勋章,还挂着他的蓝绶带。
- She wore a floppy straw hat, tricked out with a yellow ribbon. 她戴着一顶装饰着黄色花边的松软草帽。
- scroll ribbon 卷式色带
- The old man wears an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon. 那老人戴着单片眼镜,上面连结着一条丝带。
- Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow. 从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。
- The little girl tied the ribbon in a bow. 小女孩把饰带打成个蝴蝶结。
- At the ceremony he was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievement. 在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。
- Scroll to Bearer Settings and press Select . 滚动到无记名设置和按下 选择 .
- The young girl's hair was tied up with a red ribbon. 这个小女孩的头发用一条红缎带扎了起来。
- Scroll to Disable and press Select . 滚动到禁用和按下 选择 .
- The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon. 那老人戴著单片眼镜,上面连结著一条丝带。
- Scroll down to see the entire text. 翻滚一下使能看到整个文本。
- The window does not have scroll bars. 窗口没有滚动条。