- He had the gall to sue for damages. 他居然有脸要求赔偿。
- Of all the gall! ie What impudence! 脸皮真厚!
- Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。
- The medicine is as bitter as gall. 这药像胆汁一样苦。
- scroll gall 卷叶瘿
- They had the gall to attend our party without invitations. 他们竟有脸皮未经邀请就来参加我们的派对。
- At the ceremony he was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievement. 在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。
- Scroll to Bearer Settings and press Select . 滚动到无记名设置和按下 选择 .
- Gallstones usually form in the gall bladder. 胆石通常是在胆囊中形成的。
- Scroll to Disable and press Select . 滚动到禁用和按下 选择 .
- There is no gall or spite in my soul. 我内心对谁都没有怨恨或恶意。
- Scroll down to see the entire text. 翻滚一下使能看到整个文本。
- You have get the gall to ask me for help. 你还有脸求我帮忙。
- The window does not have scroll bars. 窗口没有滚动条。
- When you taste honey, remember gall. 尝着甜头,别忘了苦头。
- A Japanese vertical scroll painting. 日本的一种垂直式卷轴画。
- You have got the gall to ask me for help. 你还有脸求我帮忙。
- Yes. This long scroll is a Gongbi. 是的,那边的一幅长轴是张工笔画。
- They had the gall to call me fat ! 他们竟然无礼地叫我胖子!
- That scroll of Chinese painting is theirs . 那幅中国画卷是他们的。