- screw type cast iron pipe 螺旋式铸杆铁管
- Fanlin Nodular Cast Iron Pipe Co., Led. 龙口市泛林球墨铸铁管有限公司。
- The company also cast iron pipe production and home heating-efficient heat exchanger. 本公司同时生产钢管铸铁暖气片和家用高效换热器。
- The resistance to wear and corrosion of nodular cast iron pipe was increased remarkably by SHS.Combust... 自蔓延高温合成显著提高球墨铸铁管的耐磨损、耐腐蚀性能;
- Compared with plastic(PVC) pipes, cast iron pipe is more soild and durable. 柔性抗震、耐受力强、重量轻;接头防渗入和渗出;
- This paper describes the character of vermicular cast iron pipe and the use of it in the sub-high pressure town gas pipeline. 本文重点阐述蠕墨铸铁管的性能和用于城市次高压煤气管网的可行性。
- It points out that it has both ecnomical effect and social effect to produce cast iron pipe with cement mortar lining with bitumen coating and this product is welcome by the market. 铸铁管内衬水泥外涂沥青是当前生产输水铸铁管最现实有效和经济的防腐方法,产品受到市场欢迎;生产水泥内衬铸铁管具有良好的经济效益和社会效益,切实可行。
- This treatise mainly introduces the equipment and the production technology of cement mortar lining at the inter surface of cast iron pipe and the quality inspection of the products. 主要介绍铸铁管内表面涂衬水泥沙浆的设备、产工艺及产品的品质检验。
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Backnuts GB/T3289.;30-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸锁紧螺母
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Crosses GB/T3289.;20-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸四通
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Inner-square plugs GB/T3289.;33-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸内方管堵
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Outer-square plugs GB/T3289.;31-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸外方管堵
- Tinsley cooling tower ponds and shewing trench for 20" cast iron pipe during the building of Blackburn Meadows power station, 26th June 1930.Blackburn Meadows power station, November 1936. 还有特别有意思的是当年本地人做了段动画畅想冷却塔的再利用方式,非常可爱。
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Parallel unions GB/T3289.;37-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸平形活接头
- Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Reducing crosses GB/T3289.;21-1982可锻铸铁管路连接件型式尺寸异径四通
- The pumps must be of the low shear Archimedes screw type. 泵必须是低剪切力的阿基米德螺旋式泵。
- Anti-seism Property and Quality Control of RK Type Cast Iron Drains RK型铸铁排水管的抗震性能与质量控制
- Our company are provide screw type compressor of overhaul service. 本公司提供大修缧杆式压缩机之服务.
- A study is made on the drop of water supply capacity of cast iron pipes caused by pipe ageing on the basis of Hazen-William water conveyance capacity computation formula. 本文对铸铁金属给水管道老化导致其输水能力下降的影响进行了研究。
- We want to buy parfume bottle with silver/gold screw type cap. 我公司欲购带有银色或金色螺旋式盖子的香水瓶。