- scissors for wound edges 创缘剪
- Aiyah, Crab is not good for wound healing. 哎呀!螃蟹对伤口不好啊。
- With tidy and neat fingernails ,and he likes you scissor for him. 指甲整齐干净,喜欢你替他剪指甲。
- She paused for wind after climbing those stairs. 爬了那几级楼梯後,她停下来喘口气。
- California is the leading state for wind power. 加利福尼亚是拥有风力的主要州。
- IT'S FOR SUN, IT'S FOR WIND, IT'S SUPERGRID! 这是为了太阳能,是为了风能,这是超级电网!
- Connate different can, who and contend for wind. 天赋异能,谁与争风。
- Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. 以烙还烙,以伤还伤,以打还打。
- To study the distribution of IgG at wound edges to differentiate ante or postmortem injuries. 目的 :研究损伤组织中的免疫球蛋白 G(Ig G)的分布以区别生前与死后伤。
- Simply pulling the wound edges together with skin hooks reproduces the ultimate deformity. 如用皮肤钩简单地把伤口边缘拉在一起,即可产生最终的畸形。
- Simply pulling e wound edges together with skin hooks reproduces the ultimate deformity. 如用皮肤钩简单地把伤口边缘拉在一起,即可产生最终的畸形。
- They represent a common reference source for wind data. 它们是有关风数据的有代表性的常见参考资料。
- Setting an Ambitious National Target for Wind Energy. 设定宏伟的风电发展目标。
- Lightning protection for wind turbine systems TS Ed. 风力发电机组防雷。
- There's a special key for winding up this clock. 有一把钥匙专门给这个钟上弦。
- Tong Jiang scissors establish since 1995, we are manufacture scissors for professional hair and pet . 统将剪刀成立于1995年,为专业发剪与宠物剪产品制造商。
- Music for the Young, Ten untitled songs for Wind Quintet. 柴可夫斯基:青年音乐-10首无标题歌曲(为木管五重奏).
- That's for winding the film forward. 那是把底片往前转的。
- Octet for winds in E flat major, Op. 八位组为风,在电子商务大调,作品。
- While saying so I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she vehemently stopped me, crying no, no, no! 说完我就举起剪刀准备献美。女友急忙拦住,高声叫着不可不可。