- Science History Educational Philosophy Prospective 科学史教育的哲学透视
- Science History Education --The Valid Means of Popularization of Science in all Directions 科学史教育--全方位科普的有效手段
- science history education 科学史教育
- Human Genome Project (HGP) is a great research project in life science history. 研究人类基因组计划(HGP)是人类生命科学史上的一个伟大的计划。
- Keywords:George Sarton; concept of science history; positivist chronicles; Scientific humanism. 关键词:萨顿;科学史观;实证主义编史法;科学人文主义
- Covariance is the ultimate law of library science development which has been proved by library science history. 图书馆学史证明,协变性是图书馆学发展的根本规律。
- The reform of history textbook represents the aim and developing trend of the history education and the reformation of history curriculum. 历史教科书的改革体现着历史教育和历史课程改革的宗旨和发展方向。
- There is thoughtful Yi to hear on science history: A England is Mancunian famous doctor observes the ability of the thing to test a student.. 科学史上有一则发人深思的轶闻:英国曼彻斯特的一位著名医师为测试学生观察事物的能力...
- In chapter four, make an investigation and analyse on the present situation of history education centered in Yongchun Teachers School, by ways of question papers etc. 第四章以问卷等形式,以永春师范学校为中心对中师历史教学现状进行调查分析,为本课题的研究提供了实证性的支持。
- High school history education idea gradually changes the memory learning by rote to intellection . 2. the archives is beginning to use in high school history textbook. 3. 三、高中台湾史教学的比重将有所调整,跳脱以政治史为主体的观念;
- The globalization has challenged the education of history rigorously, which requests that the students with history education must have global consciousness. 全球化对历史教育提出了严峻的挑战,它要求历史教育培养的人才必须具有世界意识。
- He dedicated enough to combine the efforts by many historians, Occident and Orient working together, in order to establish a first survey of this unknown continent: science history of the Chinese world. 李约瑟花了很大的精力把东西方许多历史学家的研究成果组织在一起,目的是要初步探知这个未知大陆--中国科学史的概况。
- We should get to the root of the problem. We must create a favourable overall environment and make sure that all the necessary factors are in place. Last but not least,we must also correct the bias against the humanities,including history education. 要从根本上解决问题,就必须营造一个有利以文化传承的大气候,必须提供有利于文化传承的土壤、空气、水分、养料和阳光,必须纠正忽视人文教育(包括历史教育)的偏差。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- We should get to the root of the problem. We must create a favourable overall environment and make sure that all the necessary factors are in place. Last but not least, we must also correct the bias against the humanities, including history education. 要从根本上解决问题,就必须营造一个有利以文化传承的大气候,必须提供有利于文化传承的土壤、空气、水分、养料和阳光,必须纠正忽视人文教育(包括历史教育)的偏差。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Although the history education left some to be improved, it accelerated the process of modernization for history education, precipitating people's awakening and the upsurge of national movement. 在新旧交替时期,中小学历史教育虽不至尽善尽美,但它加速了历史教育的近代化进程,促使了国人的觉醒和民族主义运动的高涨。
- With the market economy in our country, the pragmatistic ideas have a strong impact on the traditional teaching ideas.The humanistic function of history education has long been neglected. 在我国市场经济的冲击下,实用主义的价值观强烈地冲击着传统的教育观,历史教育的人文学功能被长期忽视。
- The China-foreign scholar is not united a cognition so far also for a long time, so somebody calls it upper social sciences history "Goldbach conjecture " for this purpose. 长期以来,中外学者对该问题至今也没有得到统一认识,为此,有人将它称之为社会科学史上的“哥德巴赫猜想”。
- The Core Position of History Education in Social Science in US 试论历史教育在美国社会科课程中的核心地位