- science development viewpoint 科学发展观
- Chineese believe that the public voice, thoughts and philosophical viewpoint are the most important in science development. 中国人认为科技发展中,舆论,思想和哲学观是第一位的。
- Xinjiang Tian-Di Science Development Co., Ltd. 新疆天地科技发展有限公司。
- Tianjin Zs-green Science Development Co., Ltd. 天津中瑞科技开发有限公司。
- Third chapter,elaboration science development view value guidance. 第三章,论述科学发展观的价值导向。
- Beijing Jinyangjiufeng Science Development Co., Ltd. 北京金洋九峰科技发展有限公司
- "Humanism" serves as an important guide for us to set up and implement scientific development viewpoint, so as to comp new tasks in the new century. 对此进行认真探讨,对于我们自觉树立和落实科学发展观,完成新世纪新阶段的新任务,具有重要的指导意义。
- To solve the problem, governments at all levels should adopt the scientific development viewpoint and direct the emigration with a global and open mindset. 政府要用宏观、开放的视野指导牧区生态移民,不能局限在一时一地解决这一问题;向牧区未利用草原移民;
- the viewpoint of science development 科学发展观
- Increasing attention has been paid on technology foresight, a new strategy management tool for science development. 技术预见作为一种新型科技发展战略管理工具,受到越来越多的关注。
- Only by the harmonious development of human and nature can provide ultimate power,solid material foundation and essential guarantee for the carrying out scientific development viewpoint. 因为只有人与自然的和谐发展才能为落实科学发展观提供最终动力、坚实的物质基础和根本保证。
- Science principle of synergy domained in field of management, is being the certainty of modern science development. 把协同学的科学原理引入管理领域,正是现代科学发展的必然。
- The functions of their diffuseness, orientation, agglomeration, catalyzer and controls are indispensable factors of science development. 其传播功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、催化功能和控制功能等等是科学事业发展中必不可少的重要因素。
- Cultural concepts in society have strong impacts on social value, which affects the process of science development. 社会的文化思想影响社会的价值观念,进而影响科学发展的进程。
- Prof.Wang Houde said human beings can live as far as 110 years old at current stage of science development. 王厚德教授认为,科技发展到目前这个阶段,人类的平均寿命完全可以达到110岁的平均年龄。
- Covariance is the ultimate law of library science development which has been proved by library science history. 图书馆学史证明,协变性是图书馆学发展的根本规律。
- Westerners believe taht CMOS chip, material and manufacture industries are the most important in science development. 西方人认为科技发展中,芯片,新型材料和机械制造是第一位的。
- scientific development viewpoint 科学发展观
- The scientific development viewpoint 科学发展观
- Westerners believe taht CMOS chip, new material and manufacture industries are the most important in science development. 西方人认为科技发展中,芯片,新型材料和机械制造是第一位的。