- YAMATO M, IWASAKA Y, QIAN G W, et al. [J]. Aerosol Sci Tech Jpn, 1988, (6) : 85 -88. 张代洲钱公望.;检测单个气溶胶粒子的薄膜法[J]
- Milsteim O,et al.Removal of chlorophenols and chlorolignings from bleaching effluent by combined chemical and bilogical treatment[J]. Wat Sci Tech, 1988,20(1):161-170. “生物流化床-化学絮凝法处理纸浆漂白废水”来源于网络,版权归作者所有!勿用于商业用途。
- The competition of national power,economic power and sci tech capabilities does not only mean the competition of talents but also mean the competition of talents' learning ability. 国力竞争、经济实力竞争、科技力量竞争 ,说到底还不仅在于人力和其中的人才竞争 ,更在于人力和人才的学习力竞争。
- The management for sci tech work and its achievements have a direct bearing on the development of science, technology, economy and society. It will also affect the obtainment of the objectives for science and education based development of the nation. 地方科技管理及其成效,直接影响到地方科技、经济和社会发展,也关系到“科教兴国”整体目标的实现。
- The paper mainly discusses some key questions in development procedure of digitalization of sci tech periodicals, which are the digital information service model, web technological environment, standards and international information search. 探讨科技学术期刊数字化过程中的几个重要问题 ,并从科技学术期刊数字化信息服务模式、技术环境、标准化、信息查询国际化等 4个方面加以阐释
- sci tech information institutions 科技情报机构
- the transformation of sci tech achievements 科技成果转化
- Computer network design and its realization in a Sci Tech Museum 科技馆计算机网络设计与实现
- Relevant analyses of publishing retardation of sci tech journals 科技期刊相关时滞分析
- On the Professional Qualities of Sci Tech Information Workers 论科技信息工作者的专业素质
- The Skills of Writing English Abstracts of Sci tech Papers 科技论文英文摘要写作技巧
- On innovation ideas in edition of sci tech periodicals in new century 新世纪科技期刊编辑的创新理念
- Experience of Turnkey Contract Management Conducted In The Project of Shanghai Sci Tech Hall 特大型工程实施施工总承包管理的实践与体会
- You can visit its website on the Internet. 你可以访问它的网站。
- Our website has a complete revamp on 22 March 2006. 本网站于2006年3月22日进行更新。
- The tape is posted on the militant website. 这段片子来源于一个好战分子的网站。
- Jefferson,A L Laine,T Stephenson,et al.Advanced biological unit processes for domestic water[J].Wat Sci Tech 2001,16(10);211-217 作者简介:万金保(1952-)男,江西南昌人,南昌大学环境工程系教授,硕士生导师,主要从事水污染控制研究。
- Jefferson,A L Laine,T Stephenson,et al.Advanced biological unit processes for domestic water[J].Wat Sci Tech 2001,16(10);211-217 作者简介:万金保(1952-)男,江西南昌人,南昌大学环境工程系教授,硕士生导师,主要从事水污染控制研究
- For current prices please visit our website. 若需了解目前的价格,请访问我们的网站。