- school textbook screening 学校教科书审定
- This publishing firm is planing a new series of school textbook. 这家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材。
- Su Liwen the matter already interpolated Taibei's elementary school textbook. 苏丽文的事已经写进台北的小学教科书了。
- Published in 1925, it became a school textbook after Hitler won power in 1933, and all German newlyweds also received a copy. 该书于1925年出版,希特勒于1933年取得政权后该书成为学校的教科书,每一对新婚夫妇也都会收到一本。
- Concerning the teaching material and education practice, the preliminary teaching material of the language program deals mainly with school textbook, and complied with partial handout. 关于教材和教法,语文班最初的教材是采用学校课本为主,另外配合部分讲义。
- Reviewing the senior high school textbook on historical writing between Taiwan and Okinawa, obliviously Okinawa has a strong consciousness on Taiwan society, but Taiwan almost knows Okinawa nothing. 摘要检视台湾与冲绳高中历史课本的乡土书写,很明显地看出,冲绳社会非常在意台湾的历史发展,但反观台湾社会却对冲绳几乎是一无所知。
- The junior high school textbook still uses boilerplate idioms to condemn Japan's invasion of China in the 1930’s and includes little about Tokyo's peaceful, democratic postwar development. 高中教科书仍然套用了评判日本30年代对中国的入侵,没有对日本战后和平、民主发展作出交待。
- This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks. 这家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材。
- Wartime atrocities are whitewashed or eliminated in school textbooks. 战争期间的暴行被漂白、甚至从教科书中删除。
- elementary and high school textbook 中小学教科书
- The words appearing in their school textbooks become a relatively easy task to tackle for them. 于是学校里华文课本的内容,对他们来说,就应该不成问题了。
- China's school textbooks are filled with stories of communist heroism in the war, and of Japanese brutality. 中国学校的教科书里充斥着抗战时期共产党员的英雄故事及日本人的残暴罪行。
- Macmillan Education and FLTRP have developed successful collaboration on school textbooks. 麦克米伦公司是我们在学校教材方面的密切合作伙伴。
- After working in a factory for several years,he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination. 在工厂里工作几年以后,他决定复习一下中学课本,参加高考。
- Once they are familiar with the Chinese characters,the words appearing in their school textbooks become a relatively easy task to tackle. 于是学校里华文课本的内容,对他们来说,就应该不成问题了。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- He was expelled from the school. 他被学校开除了。
- After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination. 在工厂里工作几年以后,他决定复习一下中学课本,参加高考。
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。
- Once they are familiar with the Chinese characters, the words appearing in their school textbooks become a relatively easy task to tackle. 于是学校里华文课本的内容,对他们来说,就应该不成问题了。