- Fengtai District School Run Enterprise Co. 丰台区校办企业公司。
- Columba's was a strict disciplinarian school run by Irish brothers. 是一所有着严格纪律要求的学校,由一对爱尔兰兄弟经营。
- With the changes of social environment, the school running patterns need to bedeveloped and consummated continuously. 随着社会环境的变化,办学模式也需要不断发展和完善。
- Moorehead)who shows her no warmth.Her escape from this dreadful existence i a bleak charity school run by taskmaster. 简爱父母早亡寄居在舅舅家,舅舅病逝后,舅母把她送进孤儿院。
- Oval tracks vary from town to town, but are usually a quarter mile (like a high school running track) to a half-mile long. 椭圆形车道各个城镇都不相同,但通常是1/4英里(像中学的跑道一样)到1/2英里长。
- Cady's own claws soon come out as she leaps into a hilarious "Girl World" war that has the whole school running for cover. 被披上抢人男友的坏名声后,凯蒂的日子不好过了。她遭到了圈子里的人的惩罚,被她们侮辱,还被赶出了午餐桌,骂她是“贱女孩”。
- But for some it might be the perfect car, with looks to scare other mums on the school run. 在某种意义上说,它是一部完美的车子,会让其他那些接送孩子上学放学的母亲们感到惊艳。
- Belonging to ICSE and CBSE system, and the Catholic Church or Jesus convent school run by the clubs, are particularly great demand. 仅次于加尔各答的工商业大城市,全国最大的棉纺织中心,纱锭和织机均约占全国的三分之一。
- Brazilian youngster practices his learning skills on a computer hooked up to the internet, at a school run by a non-profit organization set up in a shantytown in Rio de Janeiro. 在里约热内卢棚户区由一个非营利性组织创办的一所学校里,一名巴西少年正在联网的计算机上练习学习机能。
- Hundreds of families went to the school run by the UNRWA to take shelter after their houses were either destroyed or threatened to be destroyed by the Israeli army warplanes. 以军6日发表声明说,以军一名军官5日深夜在加沙地带地面行动中可能因遭己方坦克误击死亡。对加沙地带发动进攻以来以军已有9人死亡。另据加沙地带官员统计,巴方死亡人数目前已超过540人,另有2300多人受伤。
- Since founded in the 1950, our school has accumulated profound schooling culture and school running experiences. 学校自1950年创办以来,积淀了深厚的学校文化,积累了丰富的办学经验。
- A privately-run school has the property right as a legal person over the assets in which the sponsor has inputted capital, state-owned assets, donated property and the accumulated assets through school running. 民办学校对举办者投入民办学校的资产、国有资产、受赠的财产以及办学积累,享有法人财产权。
- As an important part of Beijing Normal University, BNU Zhuhai Campus Experimental Kindergarten thrives under the fine care of faculty with vivid characters and advanced school running policy. 作为北京师范大学幼儿教育的一个重要组成部分,北师大珠海分校实验幼儿园在北师大珠海分校全体成员的精心呵护下,以其鲜明的特色和先进的办学方针而茁壮成长。
- Brief Talk About School- running Concept of Liming Guan University 浅谈立命馆学园的办学理念
- It is also useful to solve contradiction of specialty provision, realize the integration of universalization and application of curriculum development, and expand the channel of school running. 就学校而言,可以拉动招生,解决专业设置矛盾,拓宽办学渠道;
- Schools run by religious organizations may continue to provide religious education,including courses in religion. 宗教组织所办的学校可继续提供宗教教育,包括开设宗教课程。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- He was expelled from the school. 他被学校开除了。
- The School runs a fleet of five mini-buses and one coach to transport Preparatory and Senior School pupils into Rochester. 学校设有一个车队有五辆小型巴士和一辆长途汽车,预备接送高中学生进入罗彻斯特。
- Schools run by religious organizations may continue to provide religious education, including courses in religion. 宗教组织所办的学校可继续提供宗教教育,包括开设宗教课程。