- school organization culture 学校组织文化
- Chapter two dissertates the organization culture in NPO. 第二章论述了非营利组织中的组织文化。
- Each school organizes a chapter, or branch. 每个学校都组织有一个分会,或支部。
- The Organization's Culture Define organizational culture. 组织文化。
- In a strict sense, corporate culture cannot be confused with organization culture. 严格的说,企业文化和组织文化不应该混为一谈。
- Elmore, R.F.; Peterson, P.L.; McCarthy, S.F. 1996. Restructuring in the classroom: teaching, learning and school organization. 关于儿童学习的研究_北京教育在线__为孩子健康成长服务!
- Study-type organization has set up soil for construction of study-type headmaster-directed system in school organization. 学习型组织在学校组织中实施,为学习型组织的校长负责制的构建开辟了生存的土壤。
- Part II: tax organizational culture connotation and denotation. 第二部分:税务组织文化的内涵与外延。
- This paper reports the organ culture and plantlets regeneration of Begonia President-Carnot. 本文叙述竹节秋海棠(Begonia President-Carnot)的器官培养与植株再生。
- The culture in reflective school organizations is in a state of aphasia due to the existence of silence culture, individualism culture and conservatism culture. 由于缄默文化、个人主义文化和保守主义文化的存在,导致了反思性学校组织文化长期处于失语境地。
- This papre reports the organ culture and methed for rapid Propagation of Begonia rex. 用蟆叶秋海棠(Begonia rex)的幼叶及叶柄切段作外植体接种在附加有BAO.
- Second, based on the characters of organization, this thesis establishes the motivation mechanism, which is adept to the characteristics of school organization. 并在此基础上,分析教师需求的特点,认为不同年龄阶段教师具有不同的需求特点,同时本文还提出被传统研究所忽视的组织类型的特点。
- Microscope photographs of lenses incubated in organ culture conditions for 12 days. 透镜的显微镜照片在器官培养条件孵化了12天。
- At the same time of this summer, New York China abroad study service center also has undertaken the HSK Chinese summer school organization and the supervisory work for next years. 同时,每年暑期,纽约中国留学服务中心也承办了HSK汉语暑期班的组织和管理工作。
- The school organizes its students to do voluntary labor every Friday. 每周五学校都组织学生进行义务劳动。
- The preparation of the Radix Arnebiae pigment is reviewed from extraction of natural plant, biological organization culture and chemical synthesis. 从天然物提取法、生物组织培养法和化学合成法三个方面综述了紫草色素的制备方法。
- Our school organized students to visit and inspect the old revolutionary base. 我校组织同学们去革命老区参观考察。
- There is significant difference of OCB on organizational culture types. 员工组织公民行为在组织文化类型方面有显著差异。
- Totally in charge of speeding up the organizational culture and weltanschauung. 全面负责推广集团企业文化和企业价值观。
- Organizational culture is one way of stimulating employees in organizations. 组织文化是组织激励员工的方式之一。