- school attendance committee 督促就学委员会
- All states have compulsory school attendance laws. 美国各州都有义务入学法。
- We need changes in the law governing school attendance. 我们需要对影响就学率的法规做些改动。
- The principal kept a graphic record of school attendance. 校长用图表记录学生的出席率。
- The teacher can't find his school attendance register. 教师找不到他的点名册。
- Statistics do show a positive correlation between pet ownership and better school attendance. 统计数据显示,饲养宠物与较高的到校率之间的确有密切的联系。
- Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performance on tests. 最近我们需要你们对于付钱给学生来提高出席率和测试中的表现的意见。
- In the year 2000,the ratio of primary school attendance for girls throughout China reached 99.07 percent,almost equal to the 99.14 percent for boys. 2000年,全国小学女童入学率达99.;07%25,与男童入学率的99
- Since 1990,the gap between the school attendance rates for boys and girls has narrowed from 1.28 percentage point to 0.1 percentage point. 1990年以来,中国的男女童入学率差距由1.;28个百分点降至0
- In the year 2000, the ratio of primary school attendance for girls throughout China reached 99.07 percent, almost equal to the 99.14 percent for boys. 2000年,全国小学女童入学率达99.;07%25,与男童入学率的99
- Since 1990, the gap between the school attendance rates for boys and girls has narrowed from 1.28 percentage points to 0.1 percentage point. 1990年以来,中国的男女童入学率差距由1.;28个百分点降至0
- Improvements in school attendance and the provision of educational materials are widely reported in microfinance households. 小额贷款收益家庭的入学率和相关教学材料供应的提升也广受关注。
- Light jobs that do not interfere with school attendance are deemed acceptable at 12-13 years of age, as is work not defined as hazardous by youths of 15-16. 不影响上学的轻松劳动对12-13岁的儿童来讲是可以接受的,15-16岁少年同样可以承担未确定为危险的工作。
- Since Mr Meles came to power, infant mortality has fallen by half, school attendance has risen dramatically and life expectancy has increased from 45 to 55 years. 自梅泽斯执政以来,婴儿死亡率下降了一半,入学率大幅度提升,人口寿命也从45岁提高到55岁。
- Although she did not walk until she was nearly five years old, Aisha has rarely been sick. Over the years, her school attendance record was almost 100 per cent. 尽管爱莎到了将近5岁才学会走路,她却不常生病。这些年来,她在学校的出勤率几乎是100%25。
- It also calls for more accurate tracking of dropouts and consideration of raising the legal dropout age to 18.Most states sets the compulsory school attendance age at 16 or 17. 据悉,美国目前大部分州都将青少年强制性接受学校教育的年龄上限定在了16岁或17岁。
- Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. 义务教育法和教育上的巨额支出这二者都表明我们认识到教育对我们民主社会的重要性。
- Dance schools attendance is up and the numbers of professional ballroom competitions are at an all-time high. 参加舞蹈学校的人数大增,专业的舞蹈竞赛也达到了空前的数量。
- Attendance at school is obligatory. 上学是强制性的。
- My attendance at school is excellent. 我在学校的出席情况极好。