- scheduled disclosure system 预约披露
- Comparing with MSEM, information disclosure system on GEM is much stricter. Information disclosed can reflect character of GEM and company listed. 创业板市场的信息披露应比主板市场更严格,对需披露的信息的内容应能反映创业板市场及其上市公司的特点。
- A good disclosure system can, further, be the basis for successfully enforcing criminal and other legal anti-corruption provisions. 一套良好的财产申报制度更是成功执行反腐败法律和其他刑事法律的基础。
- It is quite different between traditional securities information disclosure system and information disclosure system on ABS. 摘要传统的证券信息披露制度与资产支撑证券信息披露制度有很大的不同。
- It illustrates the accounting contents,procedure and accounting items of HRA抯 practice and thedesign for disclosure system of HRA. 并对人力资源会计的核算内容、会计科目、核算流程及信息披露制度的设计一一进行了探讨和论述。
- The most important innovation of the New basel Capital Accord is introducing the Information Disclosure System into Bank Supervision. 新巴塞尔资本协议较旧巴塞尔协议最大的突破是在银行监管中引入了透明度原则,即信息披露制度。
- It illustrates the accounting contents, procedure and accounting items of HRA抯 practice and the design for disclosure system of HRA. 并对人力资源会计的核算内容、会计科目、核算流程及信息披露制度的设计一一进行了探讨和论述。
- scheduled disclosure alternation 预约变更
- The voice of discoursing accounting information equitably and effectively is intensifying, criterion of information disclosure system is the urgent affairs. 公正、透明、有效地披露上市公司会计信息的呼声越发的强烈,规范会计信息披露制度己成为当务之急。
- Establishing early warning systems and real estate information disclosure system. 建立房地产预警体系和信息披露制度。
- IPO institution is composed of five components: IPO information disclosure system, IPO regulation, the state of security companies, the underwriting pattern and the method of security price-setting. 首次公开发行制度包括证券发行信息披露制度、发行监管制度、证券商行业状况、证券承销制度及证券发行定价方式五个环节。
- For companies that prolong the suspension period to avoid the risk of being expelled from the market, the report said the SSE should set up a disclosure system during the trading suspension period. 针对一些上市公司利用长时间的停牌来避免被摘牌的问题,该报告指出,上交所应该建立一个在停牌期间的信息披露制度。
- Hereinto, the limitation of the information disclosure system leads improving the quality of accounting information difficultly, and restricts the development of the security market healthy. 其中,会计信息披露制度自身的缺陷导致会计信息质量难以进一步提高,制约着证券市场快速、健康发展。
- Information Disclosure System of Japan 日本信息公开制度
- The meeting is scheduled for Thursday. 会议定于星期四举行。
- the government information disclosure system 政府信息公开制度
- The Fair is scheduled to close on May30. 交易会定于5月30日闭幕。
- Accounting information Disclosure system 会计信息披露制度
- Rain or shine, the game will be held as scheduled. 不论下不下雨,比赛照常举行。
- The film is scheduled for release next month. 该片定于下月发行。