- His arrival set the scene for another argument. 他一来就要另有一场争论了。
- To make or shoot scenes for a movie. 摄制电影为一部影片制作或拍摄场景
- They shot a scene for the film . 他们在为该影片拍景。
- What are its chief formulas for plot and characterization? 它主要的情节公式和人物公式是什么?
- scenes for plot 故事场景
- That author lays the scenes for most of his stories in faraway places . 那位作者把他大部分故事的背景安排在遥远的地方。
- She sets the scene for the adventure that is about to unfold. 她会向观众们介绍马上就要展现在观众面前的那部惊险影片的大致情节。
- The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war. 这项不平等的和平协定导致了另一场战争。
- He is responsible for plotting the reefs on the chart. 他负责在海图上标出暗礁的位置。
- So far, which has been the toughest love scene for Laurel? 到目前为止,哪一场床戏是最难拍的?
- He was prepared to be jovial, setting the scene for their meeting. 他准备高兴一点,为他们的见面做好准备。
- That author lays the scenes for most of his stories in faraway places. 那位作者把他大部分故事的背景安排在遥远的地方。
- He was hanged for plotting to supplant the king. 他因阴谋篡夺皇位而被绞死。
- More controversial,Disney reshot or edited some scenes for the Japanese market. 更具争议的是,迪斯尼为了迎合日本市场对一些画面进行了修改成重新拍。
- He even blamed the I Ching for plot details that he was unhappy with in one interview. 他甚至在一次访问中不高兴的怪易经使情节太详细琐碎了。
- Denser forest battle scenes for a true feeling of being in the woods. 密集的森林战斗场面真正感觉在树林中。
- Timon:“Take them behind the scenes for a revealing and intmate look... 丁满:“给他们看看幕后不为人知的故事。”
- Two responding police officers were treated on the scene for smoke inhalation. 两个负责的警官因为在现场吸入烟而被救治。
- They are brewing a plot behind the scenes. 他们正在幕后策划一个阴谋。
- The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government. 这些人因密谋反对政府而被监禁。