- The figures of differential scattering cross section (DSCS) of the coated sphere are presented. 结论给出了分层介质小球的微分散射截面图。
- Cold and thermal neutron scattering cross section of liquid H2 and D2 II: improvement on coherent scattering. 液态H2和D2冷和热中子散射截面:相干散射的改进...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Dynamic stress intensity factors(DSIF) and the scattering cross section (SCS) are evaluated numerically,the resonances of DSIF and SCS at lower frequencies due to the debondings arise obviously. 数值求解给出了脱离区大小和衬砌厚度对动应力强度因子(DSIF)和散射截面(SCS)的影响。 结果显示由于脱胶,动应力强度因子和散射截面呈现明显的低频共振特性。
- Using a plate whose hemisphere reflectivity is known as a standard plate, the lidar scattering cross section (LRCS) and hemisphere reflectivity of a target plate are measured inversely. 在外场用已知半球反射率的靶板作为标准靶板,反演测定目标靶板激光雷达散射截面和半球反射率。
- In this article. we discuss the optimal control problems of the scattering cross section on nuclear reactor systems govened by the monoenergetic steady-state isotropic transport equation. 本文讨论基子单速平板几何各向同性、带广义自反边界条件迁移方程所支配的原子核反应堆系统散射截面的最优控制问题。
- macroscopic scattering cross section 宏观散射截面
- Thermal inelastic scattering cross section 热中子非弹性散射截面
- Group transfer scattering cross section 能组转移散射截面
- partial scattering cross section 部分散射截面
- coherent scattering cross section 相干散射截面
- elastic scattering cross section 弹性散射截面
- incoherent scattering cross section 非相干散射截面
- inelastic scattering cross section 非弹性散射截面
- differential scattering cross section 差示散射截面disentrainment 去除雾末段
- radar scattering cross section (RCS) 雷达散射截面
- radar scattering cross section(RCS) 雷达散射截面
- Classical scattering cross section in sputtering transport theory 溅射输运理论中的经典散射截面
- Discuss the Problems of Finding the Total Scattering Cross Section 与推求总散射截面有关问题的讨论
- A pillar, rectangular in cross section, supporting an arch or roof. 支柱交叉处的长方形柱子,支撑一个拱顶或屋顶
- Experimental Study on the Lidar Scattering Cross Section of Point Target 点目标激光雷达散射截面的实验研究