- Moreover, food scare stories are often reported out of context. 而且,食物恐吓的故事时常被断章取义。
- Frantic jockeying for position may explain the recent scare stories, and their curious lack of detail. 对于名利的追逐和对于细节的好奇心是最近恐怖事件发生的来源。
- The Chinese authorities are aware of and embarrassed by the recent string of scare stories, and are anxious to revive China's faltering reputation. 中国当局了解到这一连串令其感到难堪的恐怖的事故,他们也渴望改良中国岌岌可危的声誉。
- In contrast, the public's reaction was extremely negative, primed partly by a media weaned on a diet of cloning scare stories and pulp fiction. 相反,公众的反应异常消极,部分的原因是媒体向他们灌输了有关克隆的恐怖故事和低级趣味的小说。
- I like reading scare stories. 我喜欢读恐怖故事。
- scare stories about the harmful effects of the vaccination 关于疫苗接种副作用的令人心惊的报道
- There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。
- I could hardly scare up ten shillings. 我连十个先令也得不到。
- The tension was relieved, the war scare was over. 紧张形势缓和了,怕爆发战争的恐慌情绪过去了。
- He told us such funny stories that we all laughed. 他对我们讲了那么些有趣的故事,我们全都哈哈大笑。
- The papers are full of stories about the royals. 报纸上尽是些关于王室成员趣闻逸事的报道。
- The mountaineer has many stories of expeditions. 这个登山家有很多探险故事。
- The naturalist told us many stories about birds. 博物学家给我们讲述了许多有关鸟儿的故事。
- Hark at her! The stories she tells! 听她说的!她编造的鬼话可多啦!
- The district was put on red alert during a terrorist bomb scare. 这个地区在得到恐怖主义者轰炸后作了应急准备。
- I'm not too bad at telling stories. 我讲故事还行。
- All my funny stories fell completely flat. 我讲的有趣的故事都没有人觉得可笑。
- They sat drinking and telling dirty stories. 他们坐在那里,边喝酒边讲下流故事。
- This magazine published excellent stories. 这本杂志登载优秀的小说。
- You are a sucker to believe his stories. 你居然相信他的说法,真是大傻瓜!