- The actor would say over his lines until he knew them perfectly. 这位演员将重复他的台词直到他完全把它们记住。
- The judge has final say over evidence. 法官对证据的有效性拥有最终发言权。
- He did have this to say over the prospect of war. 关于战争的前景他说了这。
- In so doing, earth would have no say over human endeavors. 因为这样做,地球就不会对人类的努力拥有发言权。
- The police said over 100,000 people had taken part in the demonstration. 警方说参加游行示威的人超过十万。
- In theory, the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week's primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees. 在理论上,候选人提名是由上周初选中所选出的代表来决定。实际上,政治领袖们亲自遴选许多代表,在候选人提名上,即令没有绝对决定权,也是极具影响力的。
- You don't know? I heard an agent say over the radio that you saw him. 你不知道?我听到一个探员在无线电中说你看到了他。
- Growing up, I'd hear my mom say over and over again, “My mind is like a sieve. 在我成长过程中,我经常听到我妈妈反复地说,“我的脑子像个筛子。”
- I couldn't hear what he said over the thunder. 雷声隆隆,我听不清他说的话。
- You said over the phone that the fare was how much? 你在电话中说旅费是多少?
- What's the girl saying over the loudspeaker? 喇叭里那女在说什么?
- Lisa's voice was saying over the commo. 丽莎的声音从指挥台传来。
- I said over about the distribution about profit. 关于利润分配问题,我就说这些。
- He said over the text again and again. 他一遍又一遍的背诵着课本。
- This is what she has been saying over and over again. 这种话,她翻来复去不知说过多少遍了。
- I couldn't hear what he said over the noise of the traffic. 交通噪声太大,我听不清他说的话。
- It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub. 声音太嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。
- Or, you may have a group who can create sites and site areas, but have no say over the content that goes into them. 或者,您可能有一个组,该组能够创建站点和站点区域,但不能更改放入站点的内容。
- The student said over the text until he knew them perfectly. 那个学生反复背课文直到背得滚瓜烂熟。
- Father is only the nominal head of the family; Mom has the bigger say over everything. 爸爸只是家里名义上的家长;一切事情都是妈妈说了算。