- saw their way to doingv. 有可能做
- see their way to doingvt. 有可能做
- saw their way to dov. 有可能做
- see their way to dovt. 有可能做
- I don't get it. How do migrating swallows know their way to Africa? 我不明白,定期移栖的燕子是怎么辨认它们去非洲的路的?
- seen their way to doingv. 有可能做
- We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca. 我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。
- Many of the wounded die on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。
- seen their way to dov. 有可能做
- We all thirst for the love of others that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us. 我们大家都渴望别人的爱,渴望别人竭力避免伤害我们,尽量善待我们。
- They went out of their way to help us. 他们特地来帮助我们。
- Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。
- The only way to do that is to reduce expenses. 做到这一点的唯一办法是减少开支。
- We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us. 我们都渴望从别人那里得到爱,他们用自己的方式避免伤害我们,全心全意的对我们好。
- We all thirst for the love of others ,that they go out their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us . 我们每个人都渴望得到别人的爱,渴望别人小心翼翼而不将我们伤害,都渴望自己得到善待。
- Is this the right way to do it? That's the style. 这样做对吗?这就对了。
- Small builders cannot see their way clear to take on many trainees. 小建筑商认为不可能招收很多见习生。
- She showed them the way to do it. 她向他们示范做这件事的方法。
- We all thirst fot the love of others,that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us ,This is the meaning of true love,to give until it hurts. 我们都渴望被他人爱,爱使我们避免伤害,使我吗感到幸福。这就是爱的真谛,不断的给以,直到被伤害。
- I hope you can see your way to do the matter. 我希望你能设法解决这件事。