- Average energy saving rate will reach 60%, much higher in eastern regions. 平均节能率达到60%25,东部地区可达更高的标。
- This is relatively simple for most Asian countries, because the saving rates of their private sectors are high. 对大多数亚洲国家来说,这是简单的,因为这些国家私人储蓄率很高。
- The fact that household saving rates have plunged in the past three decades does not suggest Americans are terrified by the spectre of more variable incomes. 过去三十年,家庭储蓄率骤降,这个事实并不能说明美国人被收入波动更大这一鬼怪所吓坏。
- At 0.3%, the household saving rate is above its all-time nadir, but not by a lot (see chart 2). 眼下美国的家庭储蓄率为0.;3%25,比历史最低值高不了多少(见图2)。
- Retail investors are expected to be enthusiastic about the Fund offering, with its capital guarantee plus potential of high returns relative to current bank saving rates. 此高科技保本基金提供本金保证及较银行存款利率为高的回报潜力,将深受个别投资者欢迎。
- The housing market's downswing may not yet be over; and its weakness could prompt consumers to increase their ultra-low saving rates, cutting into demand. 房屋市场的衰落趋势或许尚未结束,而且其疲软状态会促使消费者提高原本处在极低水平的储蓄率,这会降低需求。
- Because “the saving rate [in America] is zero,” says Stiglitz, “that means that you have to finance [the war] by borrowing abroad. 按斯蒂格利茨的说法,“(美国)的储蓄利率为零,这意味着(战争的)资金必须从国外募集。
- Behind these surpluses lie astonishingly high savings rates. 这些盈余反映了亚洲高得惊人的储蓄率。
- The saving rate, some 2.3% in 2007, may have risen as high as 11.5%, says Alan Barrett at ESRI, a Dublin-based research institute. 总部位于都柏林的爱尔兰独立智库经济与社会研究所的亚伦-巴雷特表示2007年的储蓄利率为2.;3%25左右,而现已飙升至11
- From the end of the Second World War until the early 1980s, the personal saving rate--personal saving expressed as a percentage of disposable income--gradually trended up. 从二战后到上世纪80年代,个人存款率 (即个人存款占可支配收入的百分比) 逐步攀升。
- And it relies less than the overstretched economies of eastern Europe on foreign capital: its gross saving rate reached 37.7% of GDP in the past fiscal year. 3月4日,印度储备银行为此把利率降低了0.;5个百分点,是自从去年十月减低3
- The trouble is, France is totting up a large bill for all this spending.That means it could face similar problems to the U.S., where rising debt has pushed up the saving rate. 问题是,法国在消费支出上欠下的一大笔账单,使其有可能面对和美国一样的问题,即债务不断增加,促使储蓄率上升。
- South Korean households, which have reduced their saving rate from 23% of disposable income in 1998 to only 3% last year, can hardly be accused of being overly thrifty. 在南韩,家庭储蓄率由1998年个人可支配收入的23%25减少到去年的3%25,这几乎不能被指责过分节俭。
- By the year 2008, the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6% over, while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person, the advanced domestic levels over the same period. 2008年单位GDP的节能率达到6%25以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.;865吨标煤/万元和3
- "Why don't smart people do financially better is the next question to answer," he says, adding that he is completing a follow-up study examining the relationship between intelligence and saving rates. 他说:“下一个需要回答的问题是,为什么智商高的人不能更好的理财呢?”他补充到,他即将完成一个紧随其后的关于智力与储蓄率关系的调查研究。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- By the year 2008,the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6% over,while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person,the advanced domestic levels over the same period. 2008年,单位GDP的节能率达到6%25以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.;865吨标煤/万元和3
- As with other Asian countries,your savings rates are far higher than in America and Europe. 就像其他亚洲国家一样,你们的储蓄率远较美国和欧洲国家为高。
- Involve the building energy saving rate into the system of green GDP indicators for the rating of government officials'performance. 将建筑节能率列入对地方政府领导政绩考核的绿色GDP指标体系中。
- If interest rates are below the rate of inflation, savings rates are affected negatively. 如果低率低于通货膨胀率,储蓄就要受到消极影响。