- saturation signaling system 饱和信令系统
- So CRSC was appointed as mass transit signal system integrator by the state. CRSC因此被国家指定为"中国城市轨道交通信号系统总成单位"。
- The signal system established by WUS is also involved in ovule development. 由WUS建立的信号体系还参与胚珠的发育。
- DSS2 Digital Subscriber Signaling system No. 2号数字用户信令系统。
- At the inquest, the accident was imputed to a mechanical failure of the signalling system. 经调查,这次事故被归咎于信号系统中出现的一个机械故障。
- The SIL of all the interfaces of the Signalling System are consistent with the SIL of the interface system interfacing with them. 信号系统所有接口的安全完整性级别(SIL)均同与其面接的接口系统的SIL一致。
- Performance analysis of signalling system in integratedservice digital network (ISDN) is a problem that remains to be solved. 对于综合业务数字网(ISDN)信令系统的性能分析仍是尚待解决的问题。
- This Recommendation contains a detailed set of tests for the Signalling System No. 7 Signalling Connection Control Part(SCCP). 本建议包含了一组详细的对七号信令系统信令接续控制部分(SCCP)的测试。
- Analysis and Realization of SCCP in the Signaling System No. 七号信令系统SCCP部分的分析与实现。
- Based on the MPC8260 together with the RTOS of VXWOKS. the embedded system can provide more credibility implementation of the data link protocol for the signalling system. 利用MPC8260处理器配以高可靠性的实时嵌入式操作系统VxWORKS,可以提供更加稳定可靠的PRI信令LAPD协议实现。
- A special version of CCIS is called Signaling System #7. CCIS的一个特殊版本称为7号信令。
- In construction of signalling system in station, the station conduction test needs to be done to verify the correction of signalling equipment interlocking. 在车站信号工程的施工中,开通前都要进行车站联锁导通试验,以验证信号设备联锁的正确性。
- Involvement of the Phosphoinositide Signal System in Methyl Viologen Inducing Stomatal Movement of Vicia faba L. 肌醇磷脂信使系统参与甲基紫精诱导蚕豆气孔运动。
- Vinay K. Ingle and John G. Proakis, “Digital Signal System Using Matlab”, Thomson Learning, Singapore, 2000. 沈建宏,“引擎排气噪音之主动式消音器研究”,私立华梵大学机电工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国90年。
- A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. 信号系统送达原有的军事情报交流的王朝资本。
- Analyse and Application of Centralized Monitor System for Signaling System No. 七号信令集中监测系统的分析与应用。
- The whole signaling system includes in UNI signaling and NNI signaling. 完整的信令系统包括UNI信令和NNI信令。
- This type of MC nylon is mainly used to the production of insulating clamp plate of signal system in railway station, replacing original steel ones. 该mc尼龙主要用于铁路系统站区内信号绝缘用道夹板,以取代原有的钢制鱼尾板。
- CASCO has been supplying signalling systems and high technology services to the railway industry for over 20 years. 在过去的20年里,卡斯柯致力于为轨道交通行业提供最先进的信号控制系统以及技术服务。
- Backup power for various communication system and signal system in telecom service, mobile field service and railway service. 电信、移动、铁道等各种通信、信号系统备用电源。