- Initial hardening and strength reduction of compression saturated soft rock and its constitutive model 饱和软岩受压硬化、强度折减及本构模型
- Deep grooves channelled the soft rock. 在软岩石上形成许多深槽。
- Constitutive relation for saturated soft rock with complex stresses and the stress redistribution 复杂应力状态下的饱和体本构模型及内力变化
- saturated soft rocks 饱水软岩
- Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood. 钻蛀虫钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物
- Deep grooves channeled the soft rock. 在质地松软的岩石上形成许多深槽。
- Do you like ballads or soft rock music? 你喜欢听抒情歌曲还是抒情摇滚乐?
- With the-development of economic of littoral, in civil projects the people have to encountered many saturated soft clay foundation. 摘要随着基础设施建设的发展,人们不得不面对许多淤泥类软土地基。
- The TIR radiation of soft rock is influenced with seawater. 同时发现红外辐射温度变化受海水的影响。
- The variation of pore pressure in saturated soft clay under circulating load is a major topic in the study of circulating features of saturated soft clay. 循环荷载作用下饱和软粘土中孔压的变化是研究饱和软粘土循环特性的重要特性之一。
- The studies provide a theoretical basis for the remolding of saturated soft clay by vacuum preloading, which gives a valuable guidance in practical geotechnical engineering. 文中结论为真空预压制备重塑饱和软粘土提供理论依据。对真空预压制备重塑土样的工程实践具有指导作用。
- The softer rock has been weathered away into soil. 较软的岩石风化成了泥土。
- DCM(dynamic compaction method)combined with Vacuum dewatering treatment and extended bottom rotary jet grouting pile is adopted to reinforce saturated soft clay foundation. 针对饱和软粘土的工程特性,采用了真空动力固结联合扩底旋喷桩加固饱和软粘土地基。
- Because of soil squeezing effect and excess pore water pressur,reconsolidation settlement will occur around soil compaction piles in saturated soft clay during pile driving. 位于饱和软粘土地基中的挤土桩,由于沉桩过程中地基土产生挤土效应及超静孔隙水压力,同时随着超静孔隙水压力的消散,桩周地基土产生再固结沉降。
- Soft rocks may be gradually worn away and harder rocks are rubbed,so that they become smooth and shiny. 松软的岩石渐渐地磨掉,硬的岩石被摩擦,以至于它们变得平滑光亮。
- Note: in soft rocks extracting fixed protection may leave unsightly damage in the form of a crater. 注意:在岩质松软处取出固定支点时,可能会在对小洞造成难以察觉的损坏。
- Soft rocks may be gradually worn away and harder rocks are rubbed so that they become smooth and shiny. 松软的岩石渐渐地磨掉,硬的岩石被摩擦,以至于它们变得平滑光亮。
- This paper have studied consolidation properties based on saturated soft clay test, and draw some conclusion, which is significant for design and engineering practice of marine ooze foundation. 本文根据大量室内试验成果,分析了淤泥的微观结构、应力应变关系以及固结特性,得出了一些规律性结论,对于软粘土地基的理论设计与工程实践有重要的指导意义。
- The emphasis is put on the waves propagated from hard rocks into soft rocks,or from soft rocks into hard rocks. 着重探讨了一维应力波从“硬”岩石层进入“软”岩石层、从“软”岩石层进入“硬”岩石层时,波在形状和强度等方面的变化规律;