- Successful water resources management plans must satisfy at least three basic requirements. 成功的水资源管理方案至少要满足三项基本条件。
- They are satisfied at the success of their mission. 他们对圆满完成使命感到很满意。
- To drop a synonym, a user must satisfy at least one of the following conditions. 若要删除同义词,用户必须至少满足以下条件之一。
- Zero velocities on the cylinder were satisfied at the node points. 圆柱上速度为零在节点上满足。
- The spider is feeling not satisfied at all, then he ask his mom: "Why want me to marry honey bee? 蜘蛛感到很不满意,於是就问他的妈妈:“为什么要让我娶蜜蜂?
- The value being inserted into the partitioning column should satisfy at least one of the underlying constraints; otherwise, the insert action will fail with a constraint violation. 插入到分区列中的值应至少满足一个基础约束;否则,插入操作将因违反约束而失败。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- A logical expression specifying a program state that must exist or a set of conditions that program variables must satisfy at a particular point during program execution;for example, A is positive and A is greater than B. 一种逻辑表达式,它规定必须存在的一个程序状态,或规定在程序执行过程中某一特定点上程序变量必须满足的条件集合;例如,A为正且A大于B。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- Reform as the country step by step thorough, cattail city person does not satisfy at there is grain in store up " Xiaofu is installed namely " , seek comparatively well-off time ceaselessly however. 随着农村改革的步步深入,蒲城人并不满足于囤里有粮的“小富即安”,而是不断地追求小康日子。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- I had done my possible to satisfy the customers. 我已经尽了最大的努力以使顾客满意。
- If Ma Huateng is satisfied at becoming the ruler of an IM software merely, so can Tecent become the Internet company with Chinese the biggest today market prise? 如果马化腾仅仅满足于做一个IM软件的统治者,那么腾讯会成为今天中国市值最大的互联网公司吗?
- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足够的足以满足要求或需求的