- sane adj. 理智的;
- It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure. 处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。
- He has a diseased body but a sane mind. 他身体有病但头脑健全。
- Guilt had been eating into his conscience for sane months. 几个月来他的良心一直受到折磨。
- She has a sane attitude towards diving and never go too fast. 她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。
- No sane man would go swimming in this nasty weather. 神志正常的人谁也不会冒着如此恶劣的天气去游泳。
- Adj: I don't approve of your defeatist attitude. 我不赞成你这种失败主义的态度。
- Was he sane when he made the will ? 当留遗嘱时他是否神智正常?
- What could be more civilized, more eminently sane? 还有比这更有教养、更四平八稳的吗?
- She is a fun person to be with. (adj. 作名词,表示“乐趣”,作形容词,表示“有趣的”。
- She often sleeps with the window open. (adj. 她经常开着窗户睡觉。
- We'd better turn round and get sane work done. 我们最好努力做一些工作。
- That new home of yours is really gorgeous adj. 华丽的,灿烂的!你的新房子真是漂亮极了!
- No sane man will go swimming in this nasty weather. 神志正常的人谁也不会冒着如此恶劣的天气去游泳。
- We reached the temple through an unfrequented(adj. 我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。
- He was so crazy that he corrupted sane men. 他那股疯狂劲把正常人都搞糊涂了。
- Able Capabie Competent Qualified (adj. 这组词都表示“能够”或“有能力的”。
- He was sane at the time of the murder. 在凶杀案发生时他的神志是清醒的。
- Neptunian 5neptjuniEn, -njEn adj.;n. adj. [罗神] 海神的, 海的;
- Learn an English Word: [ bleak /bli:k/ adj. 寒冷的;阴沉的;