- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- A style or individual sample of writing. 笔迹个人的书法笔迹或风格
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- Rate of signal oscillation in hertz. 信号振荡的速率,以赫兹(Hz)为单位。
- Such is one sample of the earliest true men. 这是最早的真人的标本。
- In a time division multiplex(TDM) system,a repetitive group of signals resulting from a signal sampling of all channels,including any additional signals for synchronizing and other required system information. 在时分多路复用(TDM)系统中,由所有信道的信号采样中产生的重复信号组,它包括为同步要求的附加信号和其它需要的系统信息。
- Shall I show you a sample of each? 是否要我每样拿一个给您看看?
- In a time division multiplex(TDM)system, a repetitive group of signals resulting from a signal sampling of all channels, including any additional signals for synchronizing and other required system information. 在时分多路复用(TDM)系统中,由所有信道的信号采样中产生的重复信号组,它包括为同步要求的附加信号和其它需要的系统信息。
- We'd like to have a sample of your urine. 我们需要你的尿样。
- In a time division multiplex(TDM) system, a repetitive group of signals resulting from a signal sampling of all channels, including any additional signals for synchronizing and other required system information. 在时分多路复用(tdm)系统中,由所有信道的信号采样中产生的重复信号组,它包括为同步要求的附加信号和其它需要的系统信息。
- So, if the sampling of the operator has been studied enough it will be very useful to the study of the FRFT of signals and their reconstruction. 那么很自然的算子的采样情况要是得到比较充分的研究的话,对信号的分数傅立叶变换的性质及信号的重构都有很重要意义的。
- I enclose my CV and a sample of my work. 兹随函附上简历及作品幅。
- Select which type of signal each of these device use. 选择这些设备所用的信号格式。
- Colour swatch: A sample of a specified colour. 色 (颜色样本):某个颜色的样本。
- The other host of signal are control signals. 另一组信号是控制信号。
- Can you give me your sample of lipsticks? 能给我看一下你们的口红样品吗?
- Sue: Wow, when can I try a sample of your work? 苏︰哇,我什么时候可以尝尝你的手艺啊?
- Ms. Cathy: about our sample of water pump? 关于我们水泵的样品?
- Which kind of signal is most promising for interstellar contact? 在星际通讯中,选用哪种信号最有效呢?
- Easy verification of signal detection by the indicator. 通过指示器非常方便检测。