- We salute you for your tireless efforts for peace. 我们为您在寻求和平方面做出的不懈努力向您表示敬意。
- We salute the flag everyday at school. 我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。
- The soldiers stood at the salute. 士兵们立正敬礼。
- This ignoramus failed to salute me. 这个蠢汉看见我不行礼。
- They held an acception to salute his coming. 他们举行了一个招待会以迎接他的到来。
- The captain ordered his men to fire a salute. 船长命令部下鸣放礼炮。
- The captain ordered his men to fire a salute . 船长命令部下鸣放礼炮。
- And soon a group of children ran in to salute him. 很快,一群小孩跑进来向他致敬。
- Everyone got up for the salute to the flag. 大家都起立向国旗致敬。
- I salute them for their honor and their courage. 我向他们的道德与勇敢致敬。
- You should learn to salute properly . 你该学会正确地打招呼。
- All soldiers must salute with the right hand. 所有的士兵必须用右手敬礼。
- He took off his hat to salute her. 他向她脱帽致敬。
- The president gives twenty-one guns as a salute. 总统下令鸣21响礼炮。
- To lower and raise(a flag) in salute. 扬旗致敬,行点旗礼
- Used to express acclamation, salute, or applause. 万岁用于表达欢呼、敬意和鼓掌的
- A shout or salute of enthusiastic approval. 欢呼,喝彩表示赞同的欢呼或敬礼
- Every man with a conscience should salute them. 每一个有良心的人,都应向他们表示敬意。
- He spoke courteously, as it behooved. 他应该谦恭地说话。
- The sailor dipped the ship's flag as a salute . 水手将船上的旗升上去再降下来以示致敬。