- salt transported under convoy 纲盐制
- The supply ships sailed under convoy. 补给船在护送之下航行。
- The gold bullion was transported under police escort. 金锭在警方的护送下运走了。
- Experimental study on soil water and salt transport under drip irrigation in arid desert zone 干旱沙区滴灌条件下水盐运移过程试验研究
- The missiles were moved under convoy. 导弹在护卫之下转移.
- The gold was reached the bank's vault under convoy of armed guards. 这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。
- The soil water and salt transport were studied under 3 crop planting condition. 对3种作物种植条件下土壤水盐运移规律进行了研究。
- Approval for transport under Customs seal No. 海关加封货运批准号。
- Later, some other experiments about simulating water flow and salt transport in soil under drip irrigation with saline water were conducted in field and laboratory. 塔克拉玛干沙漠绿地土壤盐分绝大部分来源于灌溉用水,咸水灌溉前后,根系土层土壤盐分种类由以Cl~-和K~+、Na~+为主转变为以SO_4~(2-)和K~+、Na~+为主。
- Ligang Xu, Jingsong Yang, Qi Zhang, Hailin Niu. Modelling water and salt transport in a soil-water-plant system under different groundwater tables. Water and Environment Journal. 李正兆,高海鹰,张奇,徐力刚.;抚仙湖流域典型农田区地下水硝态氮污染及其影响因素
- "Customs transit procedure" means the customs procedure under which goods are transported under customs control from one customs office to another. “海关过境手续”是指在海关管制下将货物从一处海关运到另一处海关的海关手续。
- The products were produced, packed, stored, and transported under sanitary condition, which were under the supervision of competent authority. 该产品是在卫生条件下生产、包装、储藏和运输,并置于主管当局监督之下。
- Jangyin Red Eagle Electron &Metal Co., Ltd of jiangsu was founded in 1993,with considerable funds, advanced high and new technology and management under convoy at the initial stages. 江苏江阴市红鹰电子金属有限公司始建于1993年,起步之初以雄厚的资金、及先进的高新技术与管理为其护航。
- The water flow and salt transport in Takelamakan Desert artificial oasis, which was irrigated with saline underground water, were been studied in this dissertation. 针对塔克拉玛干沙漠绿地现有的咸水灌溉方式和制度,研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠绿地咸水灌溉条件下的土壤水盐运动规律。 其中,对于咸水沟灌条件下土壤水盐运动的宏观规律,采用了小区试验和田间调查的研究方法;
- At last, the model simulates the salt transport of the Oujiang estuary, and the results show shat the water levels, velocity and salt are agree ment with the measured ones. 最后将模型应用到瓯江河口的盐度输运模拟,计算的潮位、流速和盐度过程与原型吻合良好。
- In order to verify the model, laboratory experiments were performed for contaminant transport under tidal conditions. 为了验证修改后模型的正确性,作了潮汐条件下污染物输移的室内实验。
- In china, many estuarine and coastal areas are covered by fine silts and mud, and there are a lot of sediments to be suspended and transported under the action of tidal current and wind waves. 我国河口海岸多为粉沙淤泥覆盖,在风浪掀沙和水流输沙的作用下,有较多泥沙悬浮和输移。
- Besides, the people transport salt for us or pay a salt transport levy, and in 1941 they purchased five million yuan worth of government bonds; all of which represents no small burden. 老百姓为我们运公盐和出公盐代金,一九四一年还买了五百万元公债,也是不小的负担。
- Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed. 摘要通过对长江口径流、潮流和波浪共同作用下的泥沙运动规律的研究,开发并建立了长江口全沙(悬沙和底沙)数学模型。
- The characteristics of the infiltration, saltconcentration distribution, the influence of initial soil moisture contenton the soil water and salt transport processes and the relation between waterand salt transport are analyzed. 就一维积水入渗条件下土壤水分运动特性、盐分分布变化特征的规律、土壤初始含水量对水盐运移的影响以及水盐耦合迁移特性间的定量关系进行了重点分析。