- salt marsh hay 盐土沼泽地干草
- A salt marsh, spring, pond, or lake. 盐沼,盐泉,盐塘或盐湖
- This is a stretch of salt marsh, it can grow nothing. 这一边是盐碱滩,种什么都不行。
- They produce a barrier beach with an eroded zone in front and a lagoon or salt marsh behind. 它们形成了一个前有侵蚀带后有泻湖和盐沼的堤洲堰滩。
- As an example of such useless lands, the court referred to a prior case involving a salt marsh. 为了举出废地的例子,法院借用了以前盐沼地案。
- Mangrove forests replace salt marsh in tropical regions and support a rich fauna. 红树林在热带区域取代了盐水沼泽,并且支持了丰富的动物区系。
- Scirpus mariqueter is a dominant species in the salt marsh of the Yangtze River estuary. 海三棱藨草是长江口滩涂的先锋植物,广泛分布于长江口的海岸潮间带,形成天然的草场。
- Salt marsh occurs in sheltered areas protected from wave action and is dominated by salt-tolerant higher plants. 盐沼出现在防护区域,具有防护海浪的作用,它主要是由耐盐的高等植物组成。
- Suaeda salsa is one of the wild resource in seashore salt marsh and inland of saline soil. It is also a dominant species of halophyte. 盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)是盐碱土和海滨沙滩上的野生资源,是盐生植物群落的优势品种,也是发展海水灌溉农业的优良野生经济盐生植物之一。
- In the end, this paper discusses the ingress influence of the manmade Spartina Alterniflora salt marsh to the coast in Jiangsu, China. 文章的最后,对互花米草人工盐沼引种给江苏海岸的带来的影响进行了讨论。
- Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) play important roles in the sulfur cycle of coastal salt marsh sediments. 摘要硫及硫化合物的动态循环是海岸盐沼湿地的重要组成部分,硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)和硫氧化菌(SOB)是推动硫循环的重要微生物。
- The saltwater biomes are open oceans, continental shelves, the intertidal zone and coral reefs, salt marsh, mudflats and mangroves. 盐水生物群系包括开阔的海洋、大陆架、潮间带和珊瑚礁、盐水沼泽、潮泥滩和红树林。
- Finally, this paper summarizes the factors affecting hydrodynamics in the salt marsh, and gives the suggestions on the future works. 根据崇明东滩观测结果,概括了盐沼水动力过程的影响因素,指出了以后研究应重视的问题。
- Some of those species on the upland and salt marsh areas are Canada Geese, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and Redstart warblers, Osprey, Oystercatchers, Willets, and Tree Sparrow. 生活在丘陵和盐沼区的一些物种中包括加拿大大雁、黄喉地莺、红尾鸲、鹗、蛎鹬、鹞和树雀。
- The formation of Spartina alterniflora salt marsh has great influence on hydrodynamic status, depositional characteristic and evolvement process of topography on tidal flats. 摘要互花米草盐沼可显著改变潮滩的水动力条件、沉积特征和地貌演化过程。
- The sea slugs live in salt marshes in New England and Canada. 这种海蛞蝓生活在新英格兰和加拿大盐沼地。
- Cang Shan county Qin food trade host of Ltd. camp breed fresh-keeping having garlic , plait garlic , burdock , ginkgo , onion , carrot and white radish , quick-freezes, dehydration , salt marsh. 苍山秦氏食品贸易有限公司主营品种有大蒜、辫蒜、牛蒡、银杏、洋葱、胡萝卜和白萝卜的保鲜、速冻、脱水、盐渍。
- I adviced him to make hay while the sun shone. 我劝他抓紧时机。
- The cows were feeding on hay in the barn. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。
- The degradation of creek is connected closely to the decline of Inspersion &Juxtapositon Index(IJI), and the elevation of connectivity index(COHESION) of salt marsh, which affected the whole heterogeneity and connectivity of tidal flat wetland landscape. 潮沟的退化与盐沼的散布与并列指数(IJI)的下降及连通性指数(COHESION)的上升密切相关,从而影响整个潮滩景观的异质性,并可能使景观连接性下降。