- salt dome gas storage 盐穴气库
- salt dome gas storage well 盐穴地下储气库井
- There are many salt dome structures within the Salt Sediment Group. 盐上层系??上二叠统一第四系。
- It is rare that salt dome surface itself yields a clearly defined reflection. 盐丘表面本身产生明显反射波的情况,并不多见。
- To build a good salt delve gas storage reservoir,sonar measuring technique is introduced. 为建好盐穴储气库,引进并采用声纳测量技术。
- The mathematical model for simulating performance of gas storage cavern in salt formation is presented. 提出了一个描述天然气盐穴地下储气库注采动态过程的数学模型。
- Finally, the finite difference pre-stack depth migration method in f-k domain was adopted to solve the imaging problem of subsalt and salt dome flank. 利用频率-空间域有限差分叠前深度偏移解决了盐下及盐丘侧翼的成像问题。
- Building gas storage in salt caverns is a multi-disciplinary comprehensive technology and a complex systems engineering. 岩盐储气库的建设是一项多学科协同攻关的综合技术,是一个复杂的系统工程。
- For its special advantages,the salt cavern gas storage is attracting more and more attention in the worldwide oil and gas industry. 盐穴储气库以其独特的优势在世界范围的石油工业领域中受到越来越多的重视。
- Underground gas storage facilities design and implementation II. 储气库的设计与实施2。
- CATIC/NJ wish to revise the requirement of the gas storage. 中航技/南疆希望修改燃气贮存罐的要求。
- Salt rock has very low penetrability and good creep behavior, and can ensure the leak tightness of the natural gas storage. 由于盐岩具有良好的密封性、低渗透性和损伤自愈合性,使得深部地下盐矿成为世界各国地下储存的一种主要介质。
- Companies must be cajoled or bribed into building gas storage. 通过引导或补助让公司建设天然气储藏室。
- Using the wave equation prestack depth migration on SEG-EAGE 2-D salt dome model as an example, the two-order generalized screen propagator increases 30% calculation work relative to the conventional one-order) generalized screen propagator. 以SEG-EAGE二维盐丘模型数据的波动方程叠前深度偏移为例,二阶广义屏传播算子相对于常规(一阶)广义屏传播算子增加了30%25的计算量。
- Permit smoking or open flames in oxidizer or flammable gas storage areas. 允许在氧化物或易燃气体储存区域吸烟或有明火。
- D modeling is used in the geological study of salt bed to realize the quantificational description of salt bed for the design of underground gas storage with salt caverns. 盐岩地质特征的定量化精细描述对于地下盐穴储气库的设计十分重要。
- Underbalanced drilling increases deliverability form gas storage wells. 采用欠平衡钻井增加油气贮备井的开采量。
- For instance, salt domes appear as negative anomalies because rock salt is of a lower density than all consolidated sediments. 例如,盐穹表现为负的重力异常,因为比起所有的固结沉积物,岩盐具有较低的密度。
- I only wish I had lots of spare salt domes to store the stuff so I could resell later after the inflation tidal wave that is coming arrives. 。我只希望我有很多备用盐丘储存的东西,我就可以转卖后的通货膨胀浪潮,即将到来。