- And sometimes there are three tines. The salad fork. 吃沙拉的叉子三个尖。
- Meat fork, positioned to the left of the salad fork. 肉叉,放在沙拉叉左边。
- The three are as inseparable as the prongs of a salad fork. 他们三个人如同一个色拉餐叉上的弹簧一样无法分开。
- Salad fork: salads, fish, pies, pastries, and cold meats. 沙拉餐*:吃沙拉、鱼肉、馅饼、点心以及冷盘时用。
- Do they each have a bread knife, butter knife, fork, salad fork, spoon and soup spoon? 每個都有麵包刀、奶油刀、叉子、沙拉叉、湯匙,和喝湯用的大湯匙嗎?
- Salad fork, placed directly to the left of the plate, assuming salad is served with or after the entree. 沙拉叉,放在盘子正左边,假设沙拉与主菜一起上或在其后上。
- Where does the salad fork go? 沙拉用的叉子要摆那里?
- A salad is eaten with a fork only. 色拉只准用叉子吃。
- Take the left fork at the crossroads. 到十字路口取左边的岔道。
- We lunched (out) on cold meat and salad. 我们午饭(在外面)吃的是凉肉和色拉。
- He picked up his knife and fork. 他捡起了刀叉。
- Grandmother asked me to dish out the salad. 祖母叫我把色拉从大盘里舀给各人。
- I think fruit salad will be nice. 我想水果色拉不错。
- Go up to the fork and turn left. 走到岔口处向左拐。
- I think I'll go for the fruit salad. 我想我还是要水果色拉吧。
- Would you like some fruit salad? 要水果色拉吗?
- Oh, I forget-- I am out of salad oil. 啊,我忘记了沙拉油已经用光了。
- The boy tucked into the salad put in front of him. 男孩大吃放在他面前的沙拉。
- It only takes a minute to make a salad. 做色拉用不了多少时间。
- I'll just take a small salad, please. 我只想要一小盆沙拉。