- sah making company 盐业企业
- They strive to retain access to the resources that make company tick. 他们设法获取公司赖以运转的资源。
- At least 1 years working experience at similar position in a manufacturing or tool making company. 1年以上模具生产、加工制造厂相关工作经验。
- Accordingly, the making company that most TV channel and cable television income fall may go broke, and be replaced by burgeoning agile company place. 因此,大多数电视频道和有线电视收入下降的制作公司可能会破产,并且被新兴的灵活的公司所取代。
- Qing dynasty, a loan certificate of 10000-Taels which was lent from Tsinan Tai Ching Government Bank to Shantung Luo Yuan Paper Making Company, 1911, rare. 宣统三年(1911年)山东泺源造纸公司借到济南大清银行库平足银壹万两借券,少见,上部有损,保存较好
- Shandong Huaxing Plate Printing and Can Making Company Ltd. is your creditable friend. We provide good service for the customers and welcome you to do transactions and co-operate with us. 山东华星印铁制罐有限公司是您信赖的合作伙伴,愿为广大客户提供优良服务,热情欢迎各界朋友光临惠顾,洽谈业务、互相合作。
- Does it help to make companies insured against causing environment pollution? 让中国的公司买环境保险也许有助环境改善?
- That alone would make companies go for contracting bookkeepers right away. 在您使用舒心的同时,让您花最少的钱!
- In resent years,MingGuang Corporation caught the market opportunity and established a new company named "Ningbo Rentanio Garment Making Company" producing the textiles and underclothes. 近年,明光企业抓住市场契机,成立了宁波人头鸟服饰有限公司,公司产品为针织系列和内衣系列。
- Hienergy is a professional film and TV making company devoted to the making of TV advertisements, film and TV episodes, enterprise feature films, activity-based documentaries, etc. 汉能是一家专业的影视制作公司,专注于电视广告、影视短片、企业专题片、活动纪录片的拍摄与制作。
- The knife-roll straw cutters of this series are applicable to the pulp making company;they are used to chip the rice straw, wheat straw, kenaf whole stalk and some other raw materials. 本系列刀辊切草机适用于纸浆制造厂,用于切断稻、麦草、红麻全杆等草类原料。
- This product was supervised and control by strict quantity,having a good aftersales service troops,having the breakdown in case of the boiled water machine,pleasing stir to make company hot line call,we the meeting zeal serves for you. 本产品经严格质量监控,有一支良好售后服务队伍,万一开水机有故障,请拨打公司热线电话,我们会热诚为您服务。
- World Technology is progressing , developing , improving Constantly among the course, make company convenient, reliable, safety, applicate of the computer which Hi-Tech tool in your operation. 世科在不断进步,不断发展,不断完善的过程中,让您的公司在运作中方便、可靠、安全、放心的运用着计算机这种高科技工具。
- People are suggested sleeping for 8 hours per night by doctors, which may in some degree results from the promotion of sleeping pills making companies. 医生们的建议是每人每晚睡8小时,这在一定程度上可能是受了生产安眠药的公司的影响。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- I am determined to want to ask clear, they place a few phenomena to me: Nowadays of division of shoe pattern beater find new job the problem makes company manager very headache. 我执意要问个明白,他们给我摆出一些现象:如今鞋样打板师的跳槽问题令公司老总十分头疼。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- The British members, led by lord Shawcross, would like the system to have enough legal teeth to make companies behave themselves. 以肖克罗斯勋爵为首的英国会员们认为这个系统应该有足够的法律效力,以使各公司规规矩矩地办事。