- sagittal gyri [医] 矢状回
- The surface of cerebrum is increased by many gyri. 大脑表面由脑回的增多而增大。
- Sagittal and coronal T1 WI were most informative. 矢状和冠状面T1加权像最为有效。
- The gyri are flattened from cerebral swelling. 静脉性梗塞区别于动脉性梗塞的主要特点是静脉窦及皮层血管的扩张和血栓形成,通常可伴有脑表静脉周围的蛛网膜下腔出血,有时还可伴有大面积的脑出血或硬膜下出血。
- Use cineloop, to obtain the best sagittal view of the left atrium. 使用cineloop得到最好的左心房的纵剖面图像。
- The gyri are narrowed and the sulci widened toward to frontal pole. 脑回变窄,脑沟向着前端变宽。
- The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull. 前囟头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处
- Patient position: axial coronal and oblique sagittal, supine, prone. 扫描方位:横轴位(Axial)、冠状位(Coronal)、矢状斜位(ObliqueSagittal)和横轴俯卧位(prone)等。
- The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces. 脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。
- Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations. 脑回挫裂伤引起出血。
- Sagittal MR images further demonstrated urinary bladder invasion by the appendiceal tumor. 矢状面磁振造影更进一步显示此阑尾肿瘤侵犯胱胱后壁。
- The definition of sagittal plane is that a longitudinal plane divides the body into right and left sections. 矢状面代表纵向的平面将人体分开左右两部份。
- The cerebral atrophy seen here mainly in the frontal and parietal regions is characterized by narrowed gyri and widened sulci. 图示脑萎缩主要发生在额叶和顶骨区域,表现为典型的脑回变窄和脑沟变宽。
- Determine fetal position, then scanned fetal face on coronal, sagittal and transverse planes, to diagnose cleft lip, or complicate d cleft palate. 首先确定胎位,然后对胎儿颜面部进行冠状、矢状及横切面扫查,利用相互垂直的三个正交切面发现并确诊胎儿唇腭裂。
- Moreover, in lissencephaly (smooth brain), an absence of gyri and sulci and occasionally ventriculomegaly may be noted. 此外,在无脑回(平滑脑)中,可以看看见缺乏脑沟和脑回,偶尔可见脑室扩大。
- Objective To study the CT findings of the herniated lumbar disc on sagittal and coronary plain. 目的研究腰椎间盘突出在矢状位、状位上的CT表现。
- If so, thick regions (such as the deep layers of gyri) should contain fewer neurons than thin regions of the cortex. 若是如此,较厚的区域(像是脑回底部细胞层)的细胞数会少于较薄的区域。
- Click on sagittal image to select slice. Click on thin tickmark to change timepoint, or thick tickmark for overlay. 点击矢状面选择扫描层面。点击细标可选择不同时间点,点击粗标可选择重叠像。
- This area of firm, whitened gyri that are broader than surrounding normal gyri is typical for tuberous sclerosis. 结节性硬化症,变硬变白的脑回比周围正常的脑回宽是其典型表现。
- Arachnoid granulations mostly appeared as digitationes at the lateral wall or lateral crypt of middle segment of superior sagittal sinus. 窦汇区腔内亦存在少量板层状纤维索结构,直窦开口常偏向右侧。