- sagittal fontanel [医] 矢囟, 惹迪氏囟(矢状缝内)
- Sagittal fontanel of skull 颅骨的矢状囟
- Sagittal and coronal T1 WI were most informative. 矢状和冠状面T1加权像最为有效。
- Preferably without a fontanel although a small one is allowed. 尽管允许有较小的头洞,但最好没有。
- "Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull (see fontanel). 不动关节包括了头颅的骨缝。
- Use cineloop, to obtain the best sagittal view of the left atrium. 使用cineloop得到最好的左心房的纵剖面图像。
- The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull. 前囟头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处
- sagittal fontanelle 矢囟
- Patient position: axial coronal and oblique sagittal, supine, prone. 扫描方位:横轴位(Axial)、冠状位(Coronal)、矢状斜位(ObliqueSagittal)和横轴俯卧位(prone)等。
- Points on the vertex of infants should not be needled when the fontanel is not closed. 小儿囟门未闭合时,头顶部腧穴一般不宜针刺。
- It is single-hole and the main road which led to North Fontanel in Ming Dynasty. 单孔,是明代通往北天门的主要干道。
- The sunken fontanel usually due to the depletion of body fluid caused by vomiting and/or diarrhea[4]. 1.;4“/”斜线号(virgule or slant)如: 囟门突然凹陷常由于吐泻伤津。
- Sagittal MR images further demonstrated urinary bladder invasion by the appendiceal tumor. 矢状面磁振造影更进一步显示此阑尾肿瘤侵犯胱胱后壁。
- The definition of sagittal plane is that a longitudinal plane divides the body into right and left sections. 矢状面代表纵向的平面将人体分开左右两部份。
- The Chinese nation real estate not only slightly has at the exhibition captures, these fontanel shop's deal situation was also good. 华邦地产不仅在展会略有斩获,这几天门店的成交情况也不错。
- Determine fetal position, then scanned fetal face on coronal, sagittal and transverse planes, to diagnose cleft lip, or complicate d cleft palate. 首先确定胎位,然后对胎儿颜面部进行冠状、矢状及横切面扫查,利用相互垂直的三个正交切面发现并确诊胎儿唇腭裂。
- Objective To study the CT findings of the herniated lumbar disc on sagittal and coronary plain. 目的研究腰椎间盘突出在矢状位、状位上的CT表现。
- Click on sagittal image to select slice. Click on thin tickmark to change timepoint, or thick tickmark for overlay. 点击矢状面选择扫描层面。点击细标可选择不同时间点,点击粗标可选择重叠像。
- On this week, enters the second trial “the fontanel city tube” with to start “the Nanyang net police” controversial but to, makes one look askance hand in hand. 在本周,进入二审的“天门城管”与开始引起争议的“南阳网警”联袂而至,令人侧目。
- Arachnoid granulations mostly appeared as digitationes at the lateral wall or lateral crypt of middle segment of superior sagittal sinus. 窦汇区腔内亦存在少量板层状纤维索结构,直窦开口常偏向右侧。