- Considering the influence of inductive magnetic field among operating lines,resistivity of soil and sag of transmission lines on transmission line parameters,the influential elements are quant. 分析了弧垂、环境温度、负荷电流等因素对线路长度的影响,计算了各因素引起的最大线长误差范围。
- sag of transmission line 线路孤垂
- Checkout of line sag is an important means to insure safety operation of transmission lines. 弧垂检测是保证架空输电线路安全运行的重要措施。
- Guilin International Sports Centre It is the ending point of transmission line of Olympic torch relay in Guilin. 桂林国际体育中心这是奥运火炬接力桂林传递路线的终点。
- Icing disaster of transmission line and its prevention has become an important and hot problem. 输电线路覆冰灾害及其预防现已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。
- Guilin International Sports Centre It is the starting point of transmission line of Olympic torch relay in Guilin. 桂林国际体育中心这是奥运火炬接力桂林传递路线的起点。
- The reclosing time of transmission line has distinct influence on power system stability. 输电线路的重合闸时刻对于重合闸完成后系统的稳定性有明显的影响。
- The DGS on the ground plane of transmission line is of simple structure and excellent performance and is easy to realize. 在微带线等传输线地平面上蚀刻的 DGS作为一种周期性结构 ,其构造非常简单、性能优越、而且易于设计和实现。
- The electrogeometric model (EGM) described with striking distance has been widely used in the shielding failure analysis of transmission line. 使用击距描述的电气几何模型广泛用于输电线路的雷电绕击分析。
- A connection between conductors or sections of a transmission line. 接头导体的连接部分或输电线的各部分
- Based on Bergeron model of transmission line, this paper presents and analyzes expression of operating quantities of each phase. 该原理基于输电线路的贝瑞隆模型,分析推导了区内外故障时各相动作量的表达式。
- LONG Li-hong,HU Yi,LI Jing-lu,et al.Study on windage on yaw discharge of transmission line[J].High Voltage Engineering,2006,32(4):19-21. [20]龙立宏;胡毅;李景禄;等.;输电线路风偏放电的影响因素研究[J]
- Using multi-resolution and maximum value of the wavelet transform, a method of transmission line fault location is devised. 运用小波变换的多分辨率和模极大值特性,提出了一种电缆故障点自动定位方法。
- An impulse grounding mathematical model b ased on spark discharge equivalent radius of extended electrode of transmission line tower is presented. 提出了考虑火花放电等效半径的输电线路杆塔水平伸长接地体冲击接地的数值计算模型。
- The potential, intensity of electric field and characteristic impedance of transmission line, which is consisting of crisscross and circular conductors, is also analyzed. 同时还分析计算了十字形内导体一圆外导体特种同轴传输线的电位、场强和特性阻抗。
- Along with the raise of transmission line design level,the analysis and calculation of unbalanced tensile force effecting on the tower becomes a necessary work. 随着输电线路设计水平要求的不断提高,对杆塔所承受不平衡张力的计算分析成为线路设计中的重要环节。
- The effect of transmission line on voltage across the load resistance at test port is approximated as cascade of parallel C and series L circuit model of many small line segments. 以非常小于波长短线段之并联电容与串联电感串接电路模型近似量测端负载之上电压因传输线长度之影响。
- Fan Yue, Shi Wei.Modification of voltage criterion in the single-pole automation reclosing of transmission line[J].Automaton of Elecuic Power Systems, 2000, 24(6): 44-47. [7]范越;施围.;输电线路单相重合闸判据的修正[J]
- Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission. 阻光率是透射率的倒数。
- The flashover voltage of iced insulators of transmission lines is affected by the electrical characteristic of ice. 冰的电气特性影响输电线路覆冰绝缘子闪络电压。