- Below are some of the typical safety relief valve installations. 下列是安全阀的一些典型安装。
- Never plug the discharge of a pressure safety relief valve! 绝对不要堵塞压力安全阀的排泄口!
- Remove the elbows from the relief valve base. 从安全阀底座拆卸弯头。
- Clean or replace the relief valve seat. 清洗或更换安全阀阀座。
- Damage or fouled relief valve seat. 安全阀阀座损坏或受到污染。
- Damaged or fouled relief valve seat. 安全阀阀座受到损坏或污染。
- Relief valve must be piped to a suitable drain. 安全阀必须配置通向适当排泄口的排泄管道。
- Install relief valve cover nut and tighten. 安装安全阀阀盖螺母,并加以紧固。
- Safety relief valves shall be labeled for relief pressure rating. 安全减压阀要有标示,标明压力释放级别。
- A thermal relief is used on plane layers for thru-hole components to make soldering and desoldering easier. 限热槽通常用于直插元件的内电层以利于焊接和拆焊。
- "As thermal expansion conditions develop, pressure builds up to the setting of the relief valve. 随着热量的增加,压力也随着增加,并达到安全阀的压力设置。
- To assemble the Relief Valve Assembly have a screwdriver ready. 准备好组装安全阀总成的螺丝刀。
- Place the relief valve seat back into the chamber bore. 将安全阀阀座放回到镗孔内。
- Remove the relief valve hose from fitting below inlet ball valve. 从进口球阀下面连接件拆卸安全阀软管。
- Slide the diaphragm assembly into the relief valve seat. 将隔膜总成滑进到安全阀阀座内。
- Periodic discharge of the temperature and pressure relief valve may be due to thermal expansion in a closed water supply system. 在一个封闭的水供应系统中,热膨胀可能导致降温减压安全阀的周期性排泄。
- No valve is to be placed between the relief valve and tank. 在热水器储水罐和安全阀之间不需要安装任何阀门。
- Electrolysis of relief valve seat or first check seats. 安全阀阀座或第一止回阀阀座被电解或电蚀。
- Electrolysis or relief valve seat or first check seats. 安全阀阀座或第一止回阀阀座产生电蚀。
- Must not be smaller than the pipe size of the relief valve. 不能小于安全阀通径。